A US judge has thrown out a case against God, ruling that because the defendant has no address, legal papers cannot be served.
The suit against God was launched by Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, who said he might appeal the ruling. (.....)
Mr Chambers sued God last year. He said God had threatened him and the people of Nebraska and had inflicted "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".
He said he would carefully consider Judge Polk's ruling before deciding whether to appeal.
The court, Mr Chambers said, had acknowledged the existence of God and "a consequence of that acknowledgement is a recognition of God's omniscience".
"Since God knows everything," he reasoned, "God has notice of this lawsuit."
Nebraska’da Tanri’ya karsi acilan bir dava sonucunda, Yargic, davaliya usulune uygun tebligat yapilmadigi gerekcesiyle davanin reddi yonunde hukum vermis.
Nebraska eyalet senatoru olan davaci Ernie Chambers, insanlarin Allah tarafindan olume, helak olmaya ve terore maruz birakildigi iddiasiyla gecen sene dava acmis.
Yargic Polk’un kararinda, Tanri’nin varliginin kabul edildigini belirten Senator Chambers, bu kabullenmenin da Tanri’nin herseyi bildigi anlamina geldigini, bu durumda Tanri’nin bu davadan da haberi oldugunu soylemis. Boylece, davanin Tanri’ya bildirilmis oldugunu iddia eden Chambers, karari degerlendirdikten sonra temyize gidebilecegini belirtmis.
Hatirlayacaksiniz, bir kac gun once de bir baska Amerikali, piyasalardaki cokuse ‘Allahsiz’ yatirimcilarin neden oldugu iddiasinda bulunmustu.
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Dolarda " GOD " kelimesi geçiyor.Bizim ülkemizde paranın arka yüzünde Yunus Emre'nin resmini basıyorsunda Atatürk'ü bitirmek istiyorlar diyorlar.Laiklik hemen söz konusu olur.Bizde zor bu işler.
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