"Türkiye, Danıştay 2. Dairesi’ne yapılan silahlı saldırı ile sarsıldı. Dün saat 10.30 sıralarında saldırgan Alparslan Aslan elindeki Glock marka silah ile Danıştay 2. Dairesi üyeleri toplantı halindeyken salona girerek ateş açtı. Görgü tanıklarının ifadesine göre, Aslan “Biz Osmanlı çocuğuyuz, bunun devamı gelecek” diye bağırdı." Kaynak: NTVMSNBC
"Arslan'ın bir süre Sedat Peker'in avukatlığını yapan Hakkı Kurtuluş'un yanında çalıştığı belirtildi." Kaynak: Sabah Gazetesi, 18 Mayıs 2006
"Glock firearms, which recently came to the agenda with the shooting at the State Council building following the murder of a priest in the Black Sea city of Trabzon, are made of polymer.
According to security intelligence sources, Glocks illegally entering the country are used by terror organizations and organized crime networks. Several groups, such as the terrorist organizations DHKP-C and the Kurdish People’s Party (PKK), own this weapon in particular.
The weapon, entering Turkey through Northern Iraq, costs between $4,000 and $10,000. It is emphasized that this gun is not a ghost weapon; it cannot pass undetected through X-ray devices since the nimble, barrel, pin, damper and lug are completely made of steel.
The 19-C model of Glock brand guns is commonly found in Turkey. Experts report in 2006 there was a hundred percent increase in the number of Glock brand weapons.
One of the Glock weapons used in the murder of the priest Andrea Santoro in Trabzon was also used in the attack at Istanbul Karakoy Metal Union, where one person was killed on 9 November 2005.
Another unusual statistic reports no unlicensed Glock weapons were party to a crime. The legal entry of these weapons is only allowed by state officials.
Officers working in the Turkish National Intelligence Office abroad, Security and General Staff, as well as those in embassies can allow Glocks to enter the country. " Kaynak: Zaman Online
"Polis, Danıştay’a yapılan saldırıyla ilgili soruşturmada çok önemli bulgulara ulaştı. Saldırıyı gerçekleştiren Alpaslan Aslan’ın Cumhuriyet Gazetesi’nin bombalanması eylemine de katıldığı belirlendi." Kaynak: NTVMSNBC
"The "deep state" is made up of elements from the military, security and judicial establishments wedded to a fiercely nationalist, statist ideology who, if need be, are ready to block or even oust a government that does not share their vision." Kaynak: Turkish Daily News
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