Most Popular Fast Food Chains in America

Americans love fast food. They spend more money on fast food than on movies, music, books, magazines, and newspapers combined. The rapid growth of this $240 billion industry over the last 30 years has been the result of economic shifts that have forced more women to work outside the home. And if you want to know about them, there is a detailed article on Insidermonkey on the ten most popular fast food chains in America.

Undoubtedly, the prevalence of farmers markets and thoughtfully curated seasonal menus have inspired customers to think twice about their eating habits, and altered the landscape of the American dining scene, yet fast food, whether eaten out of desperation on a long interstate haul, or indulged in as cheap convenience when a craving for french fries strikes continues to resonate with Americans, as this list of the 10 most popular fast food chains reveals.

While we often rail against the horrors of fast food, it would be naive of us to believe that one can stay entirely away from it. Whether it's a long road trip, an unforeseen airport delay, or just a long week at work, fast food occasionally has to be consumed. The trick is making sure the fast food you're choosing isn't all bad. However, if you are not an American and still love fast food, there is another list for you as well. Check out the article on The 10 Biggest Fast Food Chains in the World!
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Seven Most Liberal Cities in the US

Americans have countless stereotypes about people from different regions of the country. There’s the polite Midwesterner, the abrasive New Yorker, the Berkeley hippy, the gun-toting Texan. Nowadays cities everywhere in America tend to lean to the left, even the ones in conservative states like Texas. And in case you are wondering which cities are the most liberal, the article on Insidermonkey about the most Liberal cities in the US may be able to answer that question.

Of course, this shouldn't come as too great of a surprise. As I noted in an earlier article, conservatives tend to prefer smaller, more rural areas, while liberals prefer living in urban areas. So what is it that makes a city liberal? We're looking for something deeper here than the usual “Best Places” tabulation of hot job markets, low taxes, booming real estate, temperate climate, and the absence of freeway congestion. Cities can rank quite high in these categories and still be dreary, soulless places. Indeed, such “qualities” sometimes diminish the spirit of a community, social fragmentation, urban sprawl, and lousy public services.

It seems to us that a good place to live ought to offer more than just high salaries and a low crime rate. That’s why we set out to find cities that are making a special effort to foster connectedness and contentment among all the people who live in them. In the process of selecting our Top 7 cities, we gave high marks to places that hold together as communities even though they may not score that well on a traditional checklist of advantages and disadvantages. Yet sadly as it turns out, the substantive impact of citizen’s preferences on policy outcomes is quite large. The most liberal cities have higher taxes per capita, rely on less regressive tax systems, and spend twice as much per person as their most conservative counterparts. Anyway, if you want to know more about it and want state wise information, take a look at the US’s 10 Most Liberal States as well.  
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Countries to Visit Before You Die

Plenty of people return to the same place on vacation, year after boring year. Really, there's an entire world out there. To be exact, there are 196 countries, and pretty much every one is more exciting than going to Disney World for the 10th time. But where on Earth should you go? And to help with that, Insidermonkey compiled a list of the top countries to visit before you die.

We embrace novelty in the world of travel. The slightest excuse will have us swooning over a fresh itinerary, or cooing over a whizzy travel app. We rush to experience novel air routes, fall over ourselves to visit on-trend boutique hotels and are the first in the queue when a new heated gondola begins to climb the Alps. These destinations are interesting to be sure, but if one wants to travel the road less taken, it usually means turning to countries with less than stellar reputations. Oftentimes War-torn countries or nations with a history of political problems feature just as many of the attractions as the tourism superstars, but with sparser crowds and more of an edge. And, yes, often it’s only a matter of time before these insider destinations join ranks with the package-tour itinerary stops. So ignore the disaster journalism that characterizes countries as places to avoid. Sensational reporting by its nature never makes mention of the generous people living regular lives at the edges of the big story. Amazing and unique sights and experiences that are conspicuously absent from the timetable tours of more tourist-friendly countries await the intrepid traveler. Besides, no one knows what destination will be tourism’s Next Big Thing, but chances are it will be one of the places on this list.

However, if you have already seen this and were left wanting for more, you can always read our other lists on the top 10 places to visit before you die or the top 15 places to visit before you die.
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Foods to Eat Before You Die

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food," George Bernard Shaw said. Judging by the number of amazing dishes out there, he was right. But which are the tastiest? Which are the best foods? If you are drooling and want to know about them, there is an article on Insidermonkey about the top 10 foods to eat before you die.

Everyone has their own special choice for food, something that instantly cheers them up. But the truly delicious foods tend to inspire legions of devotees from the U.S.A to Europe to Africa. Sometimes it’s the ease of availability; sometimes it’s the taste. The best foods usually all have three things in common: they have to make you feel immensely better after taking just a few bites (though it’s likely you’ll continue eating to prolong that heartening feeling), they have to have a slightly sentimental or nostalgic quality that reminds you of your childhood or happier times, and they need to be absolutely delicious.

There are a lot of things people hope to accomplish in their lives. Having successful careers, raising a loving family, making a ton of money, these are among the most common goals. Those are all good and fine, but what about the finest things in life? Like making sure you've tasted freshly-made whipped cream or eating a big bowl of the classic Korean dish bibimbap before you're buried six feet under? Since we don't want you to go through life without eating as best as possible, we've put together a list on Insidermonkey about things you have to eat before you die. However, if you want to enlarge your bucket list, you should also check out our lists of the Top 15 Places To Visit Before You Die and The Top 10 Places to Visit Before You Die as well.
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Most Profitable US Sports Teams

When you see someone wearing Major League Baseball garb, it's often bearing a New York Yankees or Boston Red Sox logo. That's because these two teams account for a little more than half of all MLB merchandise sales. However, even with this success at cash registers across America, the Yankees and Red Sox are not among the most profitable teams in all of pro sports. Now, if you are interested and want to know more, feel free to read the article about the most profitable US sports teams on Insidermonkey.

Although the reasons behind each team's wealth vary, consistent things among the top dogs are massive revenues and sponsorships, along with huge ticket sales and TV deals. People all over the world like sports. People like sports so much, in fact, that they’re willing to spend vast amounts of money watching, gambling on, and supporting their personal favorites. As a result of this influx of fiscal activity, and the fact that there will always be a demand for people who are insanely good at the athletic feats unlike the rest of us, we often pay just to enjoy the thrill of watching what they can do.

Anyway, in America it is really one sided. There are countless ways to point out the popularity gap between the NFL and every other American sport. So NFL teams from Baltimore, Green Bay and Indianapolis are more valuable than any other franchise in American sports, other than those three baseball teams. Not that anyone was really arguing the NFL's dominance in the sporting scene anymore, but wow. The Dallas Cowboys were the top NFL team on the list, valued at $2.1 billion. That's no surprise given their widespread popularity and the most opulent stadium in sports. The Yankees were tops among American sports teams, but number four in the whole world.

However, if sports are not your thing, instead of following this sports article, feel free to take a look at our list of The Planet’s 10 Most Profitable Companies.
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Most Popular TED Talks in 2014

With so many incredible TED speakers to choose from, how do you decide what to watch? Do you go with the most popular or most recent videos? Or should you search deeper for the TED Talk that will inspire you most. If you want to know, there is a list on Insidermonkey about the most popular TED Talks in 2014.

Nonprofit organization TED launched in 1984 with a mission to present ideas worth sharing. It has since become a cultural phenomenon, bringing together thought leaders from around the globe to give short, 18-minute talks about ideas that could change the world. Of the more than 1,800 TED Talks, which have been viewed a total of 2.5 billion times across all platforms, a few have risen to the top. So, if you’d rather start with a wider range, check out our list of The 20 Best TED Talks of All-Time instead.

Feel like getting inspired, motivated or just looking for a feel-good cry? Then look no further. There's no better way to start your day than with a fresh cup of coffee and a nice TED talk to make you feel ready to take on your day. TED is dedicated to ideas worth spreading. And that leaves many wondering exactly which ideas have been spread the most widely in the six years that TED Talks videos have been available online. But don't feel overwhelmed, Insidermonkey rounded up 15 Most Popular TED Talks in 2014. If you are a fan and it is time you should check if you missed any of these masterpieces.
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Most Durable Cell Phones You’ll Find

Phones may be becoming smart, but they're not getting very tough. About half the time someone wants to show me something on their phone, there's a crack running down the middle of the screen. But it's not their fault. Most phones are designed to be thin and fast, not durable. But, there are few great phones that are built to last. Now, if you are wondering, there is a list on Insidermonkey about the most durable cell phones on the market.

Smart phones are all the rage nowadays. They can take photos, run apps, give directions, and much more that was once impossible to do a cell phone. But the smarter and more powerful smartphones get, the more fragile they become.

But if I had been using one of the rugged phones, these slips or drops wouldn't have such a big deal. These rugged cell phones are solid choices for the accident-prone, for those who work in rough environments, or outdoorsy types. And while being tough is a top-line feature, these phones can do a lot more than just make calls and survive falls.

So if you’re looking for a phone that can withstand your active life, take a look at the Insidermonkey and check out the list they made on the 10 most durable cell phones. However, if you are not into rugged phone and want something fancy, our list of The 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones on the Market might be what you are looking for.
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Countries With the Lowest Tax Rates

Businesses, however, are always on the lookout for profit. The less the expenses are, the higher the profit. And taxes are expense items that can dent the bottom line. So which countries are the friendliest in terms of tax rates? Which countries charge the least to a company in relation to the latter’s commercial profit? If these questions came to your mind, Insidermonkey made the list of The 10 Countries with the Lowest Tax Rates in the World to answer your question.

Seemingly everyone has an opinion about taxes. As one of the largest economic and political issues of any country, the subject of how high taxes are (and upon which segment of society they predominantly fall) can be counted on to engender heated debates among politicians, academics, and ordinary citizens. However, beneath all the heated rhetoric and opinions are hard facts and numbers. Certain tax rates in certain countries correlate with certain outcomes, regardless of whether these are acknowledged by various strains of financial opinion. Today, Business Pundit takes an honest look at twelve countries, six with the highest tax rates, and six with the lowest and examines other facets of those economies with an eye toward possible correlations

It is said that there are only two things in life that are certain. These are death and taxes. As much as we hate paying it, taxes are integral and crucial elements of society to run properly and for the bureaucracy to operate efficiently. It provides the money for public health, education, infrastructure and other things that a country needs. Some countries have a lower cost of living, with consistent living standards as well. Usually, cost of living indicators takes into account variables such as consumer index price as well as tax rates and rent indexes. For those interested in these countries, we have compiled a list of the 20 Countries with the Lowest Cost of Living in the World.
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Countries with the Cleanest Air in the World

The countries with the cleanest air in the world are surprisingly among the most beautiful countries in the world as well. Keeping any country with major cities clean is no small task, but the world's cleanest countries have figured out a balance between population and sanitation and work tirelessly to be the cleanest and most efficient countries.

If you’re making plans for summer vacation, you might prefer not to visit the smoggiest countries. But where might you go to find the cleanest air? According to World Health Organization’s report on the global air quality, you’ll find some of the cleanest air in Canada, the U.S., Europe (especially its northern regions) and Australia. If you’re hoping to breathe a bit easier this summer one of these places can be your destination.

These clean countries are the countries with the best air quality, the countries with the best outdoor spaces, and the countries with the cleanest cities. From the snow capped mountains of Canada to the sparkling waters of Costa Rica, there is no shortage of beauty to behold when visiting the most spotless countries on the planet. However, if you are a true health conscious citizen and care about other things beside the air as well, you might want to check out this list on Insidermonkey about the 20 countries with the best quality of life.
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Best Ways to Attract Customers Into Your Store

So what are the best ways to attract customers into your store? It’s a question that many of us ask, and it’s about time we get some answers. In order to survive in today’s society, many stores have to get creative to draw their customers in. Driving foot traffic to a bricks-and-mortar store may seem something of a lost art, but it's no less critical to the health of your business than it ever was.

It is important to present yourself and your product in a way which will not only attract the demographic you seek, but inspire them to come back again. If you run a small business, you have so many wonderful and creative opportunities to stand out this holiday season and get new customers without cutting prices and margins to the bone. Granted, everyone loves to get a great deal, but the holiday shopping season actually offers several opportunities to attract new customers to your business.

There’s a misconception in retail that you need to gain new customers all the time when in reality, repeat customers are what any business should aim for. Of course, gaining new customers along the way should remain on any business owner’s to-do-list – but if you treat all customers in a way that makes them want to return, merchants are more likely to gain long-term success. In addition, if you haven’t decided what business you should choose yet, you should also check out this list on Insidermonkey about The 12 Most Profitable Small Businesses instead.
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Best Paying Jobs for Doctors in the US

Healthcare practitioners are usually perceived as among the best-compensated professionals working today. But within their ranks, salaries and demand can vary greatly, particularly as the industry works to respond to rapid change. Now, if you are considering a physician career, and if money is a key factor in your decision, you must know about the best paying jobs for doctors among these many medical professions.

Of course it is less valuable to prescribe medications than to perform a difficult and complex surgery. That’s like asking is it more valuable to be the guy that works the register and pumps your gas or the guy that designs a new car. Invasive Cardiac Surgeons have worked hard for 4 years at medical school to score well on their board exams, compete for highly competitive top residency spots, then endure years of work weeks on a pittance of a salary and then when they finish, they get to apply for a highly competitive fellowship and get to earn the big bucks.

There's a reason parents dream their kids will grow up to be doctors, the profession consistently tops "highest paid" lists, medically geared or not, in addition to being relatively recession proof as health care is always a necessity. Salaries vary widely based on location, years of experience, and other factors, but when it comes to maximum earning potential, not all specialties are created equal. So we compiled a list with some of the best remunerated medical positions in the market featuring the Top Ten Best-Paid Medical Specialties.

Health Care isn't all about money, but if you want a medical career that pays the highest salary, Insidermonkey made a list of the best paying jobs for doctors just for people like you. Of course, these jobs are not obtaining the most easily. On average, the higher a salary is, the more education and experience is required.
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Most Profitable Non-Profit Companies

Although nonprofit organizations are permitted to generate surplus revenues, they must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion, or plans. NPOs have controlling members or a board of directors. Many have paid staff, including management, whereas others employ unpaid volunteers and even executives who work with or without compensation. And some of these nonprofit organizations somehow managed to make them very profitable. Now, if you are wondering, take a look at our list of the most profitable non-profit companies.

To be honest, it is easy for nonprofit organizations make a profit as they don't pay income tax on the money they earn from fundraising activities or donations. However, the organization must further a religious, charitable, scientific, literary, educational, public safety, amateur sports or cruelty prevention purpose to qualify for tax-exempt status; it must also provide a public benefit. Examples of nonprofit organizations include churches, hospitals and schools.

Nonprofit organizations receive approximately ten percent of their income from donations. There is a common belief by the general public that this percentage is much higher. In fact, many believe nonprofit organizations receive the bulk of their income from donations. In reality, most of the income received by nonprofits is generated from fees for services, sale of products, or earned interest on investments. The second highest source of income is government grants or contracts. Private giving is merely the third highest source of income for nonprofit organizations. To determine which the ten most profitable non-profit companies were, Insidermonkey have taken a look at some of their financials in order to determine the ranking. This is exactly what The NonProfit Times has done in their latest report.

Anyway, now that you know about the profitable nonprofit companies, take a look at our list of the planet’s 10 most profitable companies as well.
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Largest Online Retailers in the World

The current retail revolution isn’t about overthrowing the old elite; it’s about the speed with which the old dogs are learning new tricks. The largest e-commerce merchants remain those that started in bricks-and-mortar. So if you are curious to know about the largest online retailers in the world. You came to the right place to enlighten yourself.

E-commerce receive a big boost in the winter, when the “polar vortex” keeps so many people indoor. The same weather phenomenon delivered a blow not only to store-based retailers, but the nation’s economy as a whole. In the first three months of 2014, the country’s gross domestic product actually shrank, the first such decline in three years. After all, the online market proved itself very profitable; no wonder many investors have and are deciding to buy stock from these companies. So whether you’re looking to invest or buy, you should also check out our list of The Internet’s 5 Biggest Online Stores.

Anyway, there’s a lot that can be learned from bigger companies like Amazon and Apple, which seem to have their e-commerce businesses down pat. But that doesn't necessarily mean they have a clear advantage in this space. For example, smaller e-commerce sites have the opportunity to get to know their customer base better, and, therefore, give users what they want. So, take a look at our list on the Insidermonkey, know about these Largest Online Retailers in the World and find out what you should do.
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Best Free Apps You Should Use

Chances are, your mobile is already loaded with favorites like Facebook, WhatsApp and Angry Birds, but there’s a wealth of exciting software to be found when you dig a bit deeper. The App Store is loaded with gems that will totally change the way you use your phone. Now, if you are interested in such Apps, check this list we made on ten apps you aren’t using, but should be.

With more than 1 million apps available for download through iTunes, it can be a daunting to determine which ones are worth your time and money. For every killer app there are numerous pointless ones, from an entertainment and utilitarian point of view. That's true even of the many free apps available for iPhone. Even if you're not paying, you'll still spend time downloading and trying out new software, endeavoring to find the best fit for you.

While on the other hand, the Google Play Store is home to a massive number of apps and continues to grow every day. And many of the best options available through the Google Play store are free. The true challenge is sorting the must-downloads from the apps that will just waste storage space. From news readers, utilities, games, photo editors, media players and social networking tools, our list has everything you need from the store.

Anyway, while there are plenty of best-in-class free apps, many more are crap, and you don't want to waste your time deciding which is which. That’s why Insidermonkey sort through hundreds of apps to find these special apps that work well or accomplish some feat you didn't even know you needed done, but also don't cost a dime. However, if free apps aren’t your thing and you’d rather splurge on the most expensive apps out there, then check out this list of The 12 Most Expensive Apple Apps in The Market instead.
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Most Suicidal Cities in America

Although suicide is a topic that most of us would rather not discuss, it affects us all. We often comfort ourselves with the notion that it wouldn’t happen to us or those we love. After all, we believe that if our loved ones were feeling hopeless and depressed we would be among the first to know, and we would help them. So, before anything bad happens, let’s check out if your loved one lives in any of these 10 most suicidal cities in the U.S.

Each year in the U.S., more than 34,000 people commit suicide. But that's not the whole story. Truth is, suicide rates vary tremendously across the country, with the highest rates tending to be in rural areas and places where depressed people have easy access to firearms.

Some U.S. Cities were depressed even before the economy went on life support. These were the cities that saw the highest depression and suicide rates even while the Countrywide Financial was considered a respected mortgage lender. Why? Blame a variety of reasons, from divorce and crime to lousy weather and job loss. With the rest of the country struggles with the financial crisis, it is possible that some of these cities may soon become even unhappier.

After all, depression is one of the greatest risk factors of them all. So, Insidermonkey have taken a look at the States, and made a list of 10 most suicidal cities in America to enlighten you. Moreover, if you’re interested in a more global approach, check out our list of the 20 Most Depressed and Suicidal Countries in the World.
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Most Expensive Cities to Rent in the World

Rentals can vary hugely depending upon country, state, city or neighborhood. The national average rental price for a two-bedroom apartment in the United States tends to be around $1,000 per month, though in the world’s most expensive cities you might not even be able to rent a closet for that amount. In examining the most expensive cities to rent in the world, the price of housing is generally the largest factor impacting these expenses.

Various factors enter into a city's cost-of-living for expatriate employees, such as monetary value, consumer confidence, investment, interest rates, exchange rates of the country's currency, and housing costs. This list does not account for cost-of-living savings accrued to local citizens through government-subsidized housing, health care, and education, differences in taxation, and many other factors irrelevant to expatriates. Cost of living may be much higher for expatriates than for local residents in a developing country, especially if expatriates expect a standard of living similar to a developed country.

After all, living in a first world country can be great if you have the money to support the lifestyle and the opportunities that these cities offer. We have ranked nations, according to their consumer price index, but excluding accommodation expenses, such as mortgage and rent. Here some of the Top 15 Most Expensive Countries in the World – 2014, consider yourself lucky if you can afford to live in one of these.
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Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy in the World

Want to live to a ripe old age? By far the most important factor in life expectancy is wealth; richer people tend to eat healthfully and smoke and drink less. They also have access to the best health care. And if you want to live that kind of life, you should know about the countries with the highest life expectancy.

Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country would live if mortality rates at each age were to remain constant in the future. A recent study by the United Nations shows that the United States still trails, many of the world's countries when it comes to life expectancy. Life expectancy at birth refers to the number of years a newborn would be expected to live if current patterns of mortality at the time of birth were to stay the same throughout their life. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures.

Now, if you are interested in knowing about the name of these countries, you should visit Insidermonkey and read the detailed article about the Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy. Moreover, if you want to know more about various countries and their conditions, our list containing The World’s 15 Healthiest Countries will enlighten you as well.
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Worst Video Game Weapons Ever Designed

Weapons are important in video games. But some game characters have no need of swords, guns and trebuchets, not when there's a farting unicorn, cow launcher or wheelchair tank available. With them, we have made a list of the absolute worst video game weapons ever designed. These weapons probably made you give up your faith in gratuitous violence.

Weapons and video games go together like bread and butter. But, sometimes the butter is sour and no matter how good the bread is, it still leaves a terrible taste in your mouth. Sometimes weapons are so bad that you have to throw your hands up in frustration and disgust. Maybe they don’t aim properly, or maybe they just don’t do enough damage. They might just be stupid. But unlike them, thankfully,  many video game developers have showered us with interesting weapons of every shape and size. Some are more memorable and others, and that’s made them the stuff of legend. Below is our list of the Best Videogame Weapons of All-Time.

Needless to say, weapons are great. They aid us in the repulsion of evil and the conquering of challenges that face us, letting us slay kings and gods alike. On the other hand, some weapons don't help anyone do anything. They just take up space without ever getting used, unless absolutely necessary. Some are more infamous than others, some have just been forgotten, but all are a hallmark of poor balancing or just plain impracticality, and they deserve to be noticed so we can have better weapons in the future. Thus, there is a list on Insidermonkey about the top ten most useless weapons you can see in the game.
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Strangest Jobs in America

Some people get paid good money to do some weird-ass stuff. But, the world's most outlandish gigs don't all involve horse insemination and sewer inspection. In case you feel the interest, here are 10 of the strangest jobs in America you should know about.

If you're thinking of a career change, you've probably considered the standards: teacher, nurse or maybe a new, digital-era profession, like social media director. But with just a wee bit of imagination, or a lot of time on the Internet, one can discover a whole array of jobs that your teachers likely never mentioned in middle school.

For the first time in years, job growth projections aren't entirely dismal, and plenty of people are itching for a new gig. According to one survey, 20% of Americans are looking to change jobs in the next year. Economists are saying that there could be more full-time, high-quality opportunities out there, too.

Anyway, the list on Insidermonkey put together by doing much research and observation. So here they are, some of the world's weirdest and most obscure jobs. I hope career-changers and children everywhere be inspired by reading this. However, if you liked this article, you might also like to take a look at our previous article on the 9 Weirdest Jobs in the World as well.
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Biggest Corporate Frauds in the US

History is full of scams and frauds that removed billions of dollars from the pockets of investors and destroyed entire economies.  This post contains some of the biggest corporate frauds in the US. Visit the link if you want to know more about it.

A corporate collapse involves a major insolvency or bankruptcy of a failure. A corporate scandal involving allegations of unethical behavior by people acting within or on behalf of a corporation. A corporate scandal sometimes involves accounting fraud of some sort.

There is one huge difference, though, between the Great Wall Street Ripoff and the all the rest of these history-making scams. Some of these stories have been taken to the first page of all newspapers, and ended up making history. There are some pretty well known scandals over the past few decades. There is another list featuring The 10 Biggest Corporate Scandals In Modern History, if you are interested.

There has been a tremendous increase in the number of corporate frauds during the last century. These frauds have been found to have spirally effected the incomes and savings of common man. Losses of in billions are the outcome of such fraudulent corporate sector. Insidermonkey made a detailed list with the 10 Biggest Corporate Frauds in the US. Anyone who is interested in knowing the corporate frauds must check this out.
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Some Very High Margin Franchises to Invest In

Sure, there might be some great franchises out there. And there might be some low-cost franchises. But you should know that if you want to make real money and interested in exploring franchises, our list of the best high margin franchises might be able to guide you.

Franchisors are pretty upfront about what it's going to cost to get you into their systems. They happily outline franchise fees, royalties, marketing requirements and grand-opening costs, and they can ballpark figures for potential franchisees on everything from the amount of printer paper they'll go through each month to the best deals on neon signs. But franchisors are bashful when it comes to talking about how much moolah franchisees can actually earn running their businesses. Of course, some franchises have been posting high earnings and revenues, and climbed up to the top of the ranking regarding companies’ growth and market positioning. We have made a list with the Top 10 Most Profitable Franchises in 2014, if you want to know about them.

Now, it is perfectly natural that most prospective franchisees are concerned with finding the most profitable franchise opportunity available to them. While profitability should by no means be the sole criterion for evaluation, there is also no reason to leave money on the table when choosing from among several franchises that suit you. And, for that reason there is a detailed article on Insidermonkey about Margin Franchises to Invest In just for the investors like you.
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Some Good Ways to Reinvest in Your Business

For many businesses, it can take years to reach a point where sales are high enough to turn a profit without tax loopholes and fancy bookkeeping. So, if you are a business owner and thinking of reinvesting, it would be good to know about the best ways to reinvest in your business before making any decisions.

There's a lot to consider when you're deciding on your reinvestment strategy. Smart reinvesting can grow your business as quickly as investment in marketing or product optimization, but a poor decision at the wrong time can hamper your long-term growth. Reinvesting in your business is critical to any company that wants to grow and take on additional resources and capital that would otherwise go to competitors.

After all, reinvest is the most important thing you can do with your money, and it will allow your company to grow. With the money from sale, you can buy several more, increasing your inventory in both quantity and value. If you’re confident and in the position to do it, you also might take a chance on something outside of your specialty area. Chances like these, which often pay off, have led you to grow your customer base by stocking material that can appeal to a wider audience. However you choose to do it, your goal should be to keep your current customer, but to also attract more in the process.

However, instead of reinvesting, if you want to start something new, check out this list on the Insidermonkey about the 7 most profitable businesses you could start.
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Best Paying Medical Jobs That Don't Require Much Education

No, you do not need to be a medical doctor to have a well-paying career in the health care field. If you are interested having a medical job you might want to know about the best paying medical jobs with least education.

You don't have to go to college earn a decent living. Some professions pay good salaries without requiring post-secondary schooling. A college degree can be a great path towards a well-paying, satisfying profession, but a bachelor's degree isn't for everyone. Most fields allow you to start in an entry level position with a certificate from an accredited institution, but for career advancement, acquire an Associates or Bachelors degree. Make sure that the school you choose is accredited by the specific body responsible for that field. Online programs should usually be supplemented by interaction with patients and training in use laboratories or with medical equipment. But in case you are already a doctor or planning to be one, check out our list of the 16 Highest Paying Countries for Doctors.

Anyway, not all available careers in health care pays too much, but some certainly are, and here’s a list of the top paying careers in the health field. Some careers may require certification or specialized, technical training, but don’t necessarily require a graduate degree. To know more about these jobs you should take a look at the whole article on Insidermonkey.
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Countries with Cheapest Medical Care

What are the countries with cheapest medical care? Cheapest, mind you, and not necessarily the best. The countries with the best health care are mostly in Europe, as universal health care first came to fore in Germany. While on the other hand, cheapest medical care can be received from the countries that offer the most affordable medical rates, aside from the most attentive staff. As a matter of fact, medical tourism has been booming all around the world, with some countries practically packaging itself as prime destinations for those in need of a doctor’s attention.

If you’re considering surgery and a vacation this year, you may want to combine the two. Medical tourism is booming, thanks to the massive savings that can be had if you’re willing to trust in foreign doctors. These are the benefits medical tourists are increasingly discovering, a result of the growing awareness that no one country has a monopoly on health care and that cheap doesn't necessarily mean poor quality. So, if you are not keen on traveling back and forth to get cheap medical care, you should permanently relocate to one of the 20 Countries with the Lowest Cost of Living in the World, and have affordable medical rates available on a daily basis.

The World Health Organization made a ranking of the countries on health care costs and facilities. Analyzing the countries that have surpassed others in these ranking highlights a puzzling reality: What places these other countries ahead of the other is not just their universal health care systems, but also their significantly lower health care costs and undeniably greater efficiency and equity. How’s that possible? Read the whole article on Insidermonkey and find out by yourselves.
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Most Expensive Countries to Travel

Although the web is bursting with deals and advice on vacationing on a dime, to be honest, there are some cities that are, in one word,  overly expensive. Because of the struggling economy, the word "vacation" has become really taboo nowadays. So, before planning a trip, you probably should know which countries are the most expensive countries to fly to.

When traveling for a long time, it’s difficult to visit or stay for long in Europe, North America, or other expensive regions of the world. Most of us have a pretty limited budget, and when you make the decision to travel long-term, usually it’s because you’re willing to rough it some and spend most of your time in cheap-to-travel-in areas of the world. Anyway, if you want to avoid the expensive countries, you might want to see our article featuring the Top 15 Most Expensive Countries in the World – 2014 as well.

However, there are always generic ways to save money in any region, no matter the cost. Shopping in supermarkets and cooking for yourself in hostel kitchens, taking advantage of free breakfasts, looking into Couchsurfing, moving slowly, and eating street food can save you money in any region. To know more about them, we insist you to visit Insidermonkey and check the list of the ten most expensive countries. It will be easy for you to avoid expensive things, when you know what you should avoid.
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Best TED Talks in Technology

“The ideas worth spreading”, is one of the most famous slogans of the 21st century, or better known as TED Talks. If you are having an internet connection, and you are an active internet user, then you must have heard about the TED Talks. These talks, are a fifteen – minute videos, that provide an insight to a lot of interesting subjects and topics. The fact, that over 500 million people, have watched the TED talks is enough to tell you that they are useful for your own personal knowledge and understanding of a lot of things, previously unfamiliar to you.
I remember watching my first TED talk. It was about how to save our beautiful planet. What we can do to prevent the global warming, and how we can help in preserving the natural beauties and make this world a better place for all of us. I was never, in general, really interested about the technology. But, watching some of the best TED talks in technology has opened my mind to this topic and has made me understand and realize how important technology is to us.

Recently, I’ve watched a TED talk about how to help yourself while going through a rough period. How not to lose your inner voice and how to find the strength to stand on your feet and fight for what you believe. The diversity of these talks will take your breath away. They are very educative and they can help you understand what’s unknown to you. Everything is presented in a simple and interesting way. Once you start watching a video, you cannot stop until you’ve watched it all. 
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Top Paid Apps for iPhone 5

In 2007, the Apple Inc. released the first iPhone, and as the years went by they have released more and more. They have started with iPhones, continued with iPods, and then with iPads. Apple Inc. is one of the most successful and most famous companies nowadays. Their smartphones are on the top of the lists of most used smartphones in the world. One in every five people has an Apple device, and everyone is pretty much satisfied with what they have. When a new release is announced, there are lines in front of the stores, waiting to get the device they want, before anyone else. The iPhone 4S was a very successful smartphone and it received a lot of positive critics. The same happened when the iPhone 5 was released.
The iPhone 5 was upgraded, it was faster, with better configuration and a better camera. Everyone just loves their selfies and everything else associated with the iPhone 5. The purchase in the Apple Store has increased a lot with this smartphone. Some of the top 10 paid apps for iPhone 5 are also the top paid apps for all the smartphones. They include a lot of games, communication applications, editing applications and lot more. With the boom of the iPhone 5, the boom of the game The Angry Birds also emerged. Almost everyone, or at least one in four people, have downloaded this game and enjoyed it. Here is also the application WhatsApp, which is one of the most famous application for communicating with people from all around the world.

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Most Powerful Countries In the World

When we are talking about history, most of us think right away about the world wars. Maybe the reason for that, is because the wars give us a better picture about the relationships between the countries. Even though, wars can bring destruction and casualties, they are the most significant events in the country’s development, since they reflect how strong the country in conflict is. To go to a war, a country has to be very reach and powerful. Only the most powerful countries in the world can survive a war. The country in conflict has to be militarily and economically very strong in order to make it through a war.  

            Nowadays, most of the countries are grappling to keep the peace and to keep a good relationship with the other countries. Even though, there are not many wars today, almost every country is still investing a lot of money in its budget for their defense. Some people may not understand that, but by continual investment in the defense, a country is assuring its integrity, and in that way, it is protecting it from a potential exterior threat. Though they are at peace, the countries are constantly competing and they are trying to achieve a greater level of military power. Some of them are investing in their naval force, others in their air defense. It is difficult to determine which country has invested more in their military forces, since they all invest in the force that is best for their country. So, in some level, they are all the same. 
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Warren Buffett Quotes

Warren Buffett, a businessman and investor, was born on August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska. When he was just 11, he started investing, and by the age of 13, he started running a small business. Later, when he started the firm Buffett Partnership in Omaha, he gained a lot of success and admiration. The fact that he announced in 2006, that he would donate his entire fortune away to charity, makes him not just a great businessman, but also, one of the greatest and the most generous people in today’s world. The donation of the estimated $62 billion is the largest act of charitable giving in the history of the United States.
He is not just an investor, a business magnate and philanthropist, he is also a great public speaker. Warren Buffett’s quotes on business investing and life, have inspired so many people and he has been quoted countlessly throughout his life. Even though, he has given away billions, thanks to the juggernaut performance of Berkshire Hathaway Inc, he is still, at the age of 84,  the second – richest American. Warren Buffett’s success in business has given him the nickname the “Oracle of Omaha”. He is a great inspirational figure, and a lot of investors, mostly shareholders of the eminent Berkshire Hathaway Inc., follow his every step.

So, if you are on the verge of starting your own business, and need a few wise words to push you further, just read Warren Buffett’s quotes. You will not only become a great investor and businessman, but also a great human being, a philanthropist. 
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Best Selling Apps For iPhone

With the release of the first  smartphone, the iPhone in 2007, it has been realized that this phone will become the next best thing and will bring a huge profit to the Apple Inc. Soon after the release of the iPhone, a release of another device, called iPad, has  been announced. These products have made history. However, the popularity of these devices wouldn’t mean anything if it wasn’t for the bevy of applications they offer. Every day, there are numerous lists of best selling apps for iPhone and iPad, and they are breaking records all over the world.
There are nearly a billion active accounts in the Apple’s App Store, called iTunes. People are constantly downloading new applications, and that contributes to the expanded popularity of the Apple Inc. ‘s devices. However, there have been some risks with downloading the applications by accessing the Apple’s store via Wi-Fi networks. Those ‘problems’ are called bugs, but the technology is so advanced, that as soon as there is a bug in the Apple’s store, the operators take care of it immediately. The ranking of the Apple’s applications is constantly changing, but that doesn’t hurt the popularity of the Apple Inc.

This company is still dominating the top of the lists and with the release of the iPhone 6 this year, it has proven that deserves its place on the top. Some of the most famous, and best selling applications for the iPhone are numerous games, applications for social networks, weather forecasts and many others. There is not a single person today that doesn’t enjoy a good application. 
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New World Order Facts

Every single person has different visions of certain things. Some of those visions are ordinary, while others can be rather odd. We have all heard of the idea that has caught the attention of many people worldwide; and that is the idea of the New World Order. There are certain facts and theories connected with this idea, some of which are accepted by people, and others, that are strongly rejected. The  New World Order facts and conspiracy theories have been considered as one of the most intriguing in the world.
According to some researches, that investigate these conspiracy theories, there is a small group of elite people, which main goal is to rule the whole world unitarily. And the concept of this New World Order is the main subject of this conspiracy theory. The main concept behind this idea, is that there is a secretive group of people who are forcing a globalist idea of controlling the entire group with a secret agenda.

For those that are not very familiar with this conspiracy theory, it is thought that this idea has started decades ago. It has firstly started as a small group of ideas that point to one basic concept. That concept is that the world will be ruled by a group of people who share common, and rather odd idealism. In the early nineties, this concept has shortened to a group of individuals who are against the United States government and who strongly believe that they can rule the world with their ideals. 
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Countries that Eat the Most Meat

Of all the countries in the world, which countries that eat the most meat? The answer might surprise you. Although Western countries still eat the most meat per person, The Economist notes that it's middle-income countries like China that drive worldwide demand for it. If you want to know more, there is a detailed article on Insidermonkey on the topic which can give you all the information there is to know.

The world has a rapidly increasing appetite for meat. Fifty years ago, global consumption was 70m tonnes. By 2007—the latest year for which comparable data are available—it had risen to 268m tonnes. In a similar vein, the amount of meat eaten by each person has leapt from around 22kg in 1961 to 40kg in 2007. Tastes have changed at the same time. Cow (beef and veal) was top of the menu in the early 1960s, accounting for 40% of meat consumption, but by 2007 its share had fallen to 23%. The pig is now the animal of choice, with around 99m tonnes consumed. Meanwhile, advances in battery farming and health-related changes in Western diets have helped propel poultry from 12% to 31% of the global total.

An increase in the consumption of meat is directly correlated to an increase in a country's economic development. As a country becomes richer, its citizens generally eat more meat, a much denser source of protein than is available in poorer countries. But the range of the amount of meat eaten in different countries around the world is truly astounding, from barely enough for a few hamburgers to the weight of several people. But there are still some countries that are not that much fond of meat and rather consider a healthy lifestyle. To know about them there is a list of the world’s15 healthiest countries for you as well.
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Most Popular Rap Songs of All Time

The most popular rap songs of all time are those songs that touch our soul. They make us smile, laugh, cry, think, move and shake what our mama gave us. After tracking back four decades and digging through a bottomless pile of tunes, Insidermonkey managed to compile a list of the best rap songs the world has ever witnessed.

Rap is a victorious genre. Having built its history on songs about overcoming the harshest of hard-knock lives, in addition to observances of all of life's nuances, rap is more than just dope beats and rhymes. Its lyrics tell stories with insights and uncommon honesty, traits that have ultimately taken the genre from inner-city beginnings to a longstanding place at the heart of pop culture. Now, let’s take a second and think, what truly is the most famous and well known rap song of all time? We are not taking anything having to do with quality or any of that, it doesn’t matter if you hate it or love it, what do you think is the most well known rap song ever released?

Just because a rapper puts out a song doesn’t make it rap and there are plenty of other songs as well beside these rap songs. So you might consider seeing this ranking of the most popular songs ever too.

Anyway, while there is no general agreement regarding the greatest rap song and no uniform criteria for evaluating results, many publishers and organizations have produced these lists – of songs considered the best. Moreover, the article is attributed to various reliable sources and considered many surveys, polls, or critiques as well. So, as someone who has a passion for music, you must visit Insidermonkey and read the whole article.
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Biggest Outlet Malls in the U.S

Sometimes, you just need a good, old-fashioned shopping spree. But what do you do if your local mall just can't deliver? Head to an outlet center. And to help you with that, Insidermonkey made a list of the biggest outlet malls in the USA.

Outlet stores promise big price breaks over traditional retail stores. But are the savings worth the schlep? Outlets have for years been places where stores offload “seconds,” unsold merchandise, manufacturing errors, factory discards and refurbished items. Landlords often require a certain percentage of goods be sold at a discount compared with retail prices. But as manufacturing of goods, which are made mainly overseas, has shifted so discards never get shipped over to the U.S., the outlet game has changed. Many manufacturers will make items specifically for their outlet stores, designed with fewer finishes or less expensive material than their retail offerings. If you were wondering which city holds the top largest malls in the world, you can check out our list of The Biggest Outlet Malls in the World.

Anyway, outlet malls are cropped up around the country, and you can score some amazing finds at great prices. Insidermonkey pulled together some information on top outlet centers, including all the necessary information regarding the outlet in addition to shopping. Head over there and learn about it, if you feel the curiosity.
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Fastest Growing Companies in America

The fastest growing companies in America have seen incredible growth because of a combination of innovative products for untapped markets, focused leadership, and old-fashioned hard work. This prestigious list of the nation's most successful private companies has become the hallmark of entrepreneurial success.

It’s quite an interesting journey to build an internet marketing company and it is so inspiring what other founders in our industry have built. It may seem like the battle for startup supremacy is dominated by Silicon Alley and Silicon Valley, but don't forget about Boston. Boston has become an entrepreneurial hub that is currently attracting a lot of VC investment. In life sciences alone, Boston received the most venture capital of any city in the third quarter of 2013, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.

However, an attempt to seek out those firms that are very well known, despite their success. The following list on the ocean 10 biggest shipping companies are meant to continue in that direction, making you aware of some businesses that deserve a lot more recognition.

Finding growth stocks isn’t difficult. What’s difficult is finding growth stocks that don’t fade and are built to outpace their rivals. To identify firms that have proven and sustainable businesses with a pipeline of innovative ideas, Insidermonkey created its list of America’s Fastest Growing Companies which might enlighten you.
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Most Underrated Movies of All Time

No one can see everything. Particularly with prestige TV now competing for our attention, there's a lot of cultural noise out there even for the most hardcore cinephile, and with upwards of a dozen movies being released in major cities every week, it's easy for a great movie to get lost in the mix. Well, that's where we come in with a list of some of the most underrated movies of all time.

Sometimes, some people didn't and still don't understand them, then there are times where everyone flat-out missed them or forgot about them, and then there are times where people should just give them another look. Now, not all these movies are the best of best, you can say some of them are far from it, but at least they should be liked more than they are. There should be no such thing that you shouldn't like, but like anyway as a guilty pleasure. There are probably lots of movies that deserved to be called as one of the best movies just like these movies our list of the 20 Highest Rated Movies of All-Time.

To be honest, many films from the first decade of the 21st Century that doesn’t seem to have the reputation they deserve. In the spirit of celebrating such overlooked gems, Insidermonkey assembled this list of The 20 Most Underrated Movies of All Time.
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Richest Cities In the World

The Gross Domestic Product is regulated on the basis of the output and capital created in the major cities in comparison to the rest of the cities in a country. Some of the  richest cities in the world, mostly based in Japan and China, carry that ‘title’ not only because of their comprehensive performance, but also because they have become smooth-running cities and represent a true source of income and trade.  The investment in the capital and the efficient use of the technology are the basic elements in determining the city’s quality of life. Another very important feature for a city’s bloom is the growth rate of the population. This is a crucial factor, since the human resources enable cities and even countries to develop. All these features have to be a part of the economic policy to create a greater value in the gross domestic product through a betterment in machines, quality education and also, through research and development that will all together bestow the city’s residents with a better quality of life.
The urban population solidity is the basis on which a city can produce a high gross domestic product. It is argued by many economists that the gross domestic product per capita is much greater with high population density. On the other hand, other, believe that this would work the other way around. But, when you are comparing some of the richest cities in the world, you can see that there is not such remarkable correlation between the gross domestic product per capita and the population of that city. Such example is the city with the highest gross domestic product, Abu Dhabi, which is not as populated as Singapore, but both cities are one of the richest cities on the planet.

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Highest Suicide Rates by Profession

Everyone experiences job stress, but some careers are more stressful than others. These high-stress conditions can lead to increased rates of suicide within certain professions. Before deciding which job to get, we suggest you to read the article on Insidermonkey about the highest suicide rates by profession.

Any job is stressful. Money makes the world go ’round, and working to earn enough money to survive, or maintain a lifestyle, however luxurious or not, is a source of daily struggle for everyone. While money concerns are not the sole source of stress in one’s profession, they are a large one, but there are other factors that make a job stressful; long hours, high client demand, and the emotional trauma of the job. While everyone deals with stress on the job, even in high amounts, on a daily basis many people are able to deal with and overcome this stress one way or another.

Occupational activities are usually considered as a source of personal development and economic growth of nations, yet it has been observed that certain occupations are associated with a fairly high rate of mortality due to emotional and psychological stresses leading to suicide. So, if you’re still exploring the job market and haven’t chosen a career path, these might be some of the occupations to be avoided. You should also take a look at the 10 States with the Highest Suicide Rates (Most Depressing and Suicidal States) in the US. Want to live a long and happy life? Consider avoiding these career paths as well these locations.
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Best Warren Buffett Quotes on Money

Warren Buffett, the billionaire continues to be involved in some of the biggest investment plays in the world. Buffett is undoubtedly the most successful investor in history. His investment philosophy is no secret, and he has repeatedly shared bits and pieces of it through a lifetime of quips. He is not only known for his investment philosophy, but also for his great quotes on money. Now, if you are interested in his wisdom about money, Insidermonkey made a list with best Warren Buffett quotes on money for you.

Warren Buffett is a true genius as he is able to simplify complex ideas into quotes that will stand the test of time. Warren Buffett spent his life dispensing advice to all who would listen, earning him the nickname of the Oracle of Omaha. In the 1960s, this advice came about twice a year in letters to investors in his investment partnerships. And in the past 20 years, Warren Buffett has become a household name through appearances on TV and interviews in magazines.

Warren Buffett may be among the world's richest men, but you wouldn't know it if you met him. He wants to be liked far more than he wants to be famous, and his sense of humor is far more indicative of his personality than his ego. Although super rich, Warren lives a “simple” life. He is widely known for  being courteous, personable, and humble. Obviously, Warren Buffett is a genius when it comes to  investing and in life, so it pays to listen to his words. So, if you’re interested in finding about Warren Buffet’s philosophy in life, we also suggest you read our coverage of The 20 Most Inspirational Warren Buffett Quotes on Business, Investing and Life.
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Largest Armies in the World

Firepower is extremely important. A country's projection of power relies in large part upon its military capabilities. Successfully being able to project and wield that power is a key diplomatic asset. So, having one of the largest armies in the world is still a huge advantage in todays modern world.

This is a list of the world's largest armies, measured by the number of soldiers in uniform. This is not a list of the world's "strongest" armies, since military power is not simply a function of headcount. But headcount is an interesting measure, nonetheless. Counting heads is perhaps not as straightforward as might be imagined. The first problem is the terminological ambiguity of the word "army" which can mean either ground force troops, as in the US Army, or in many countries the ground forces are called ground forces, or words to that effect, while the entire military establishment is called the army.

Numbers may not be everything, but being able to overwhelm an enemy with sheer size does lend a certain advantage. There are a lot of other factors to consider when you’re trying to determine the strongest military, but if you’re curious about the largest armies in the world in terms of active personnel, visit Insidermonkey and read ahead.

Now that you know about the largest armies in the world, be sure to check out our previous cover story on The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World as well.
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Largest Container Shipping Companies in the World

Container shipping is one of the most important and necessary means of cargo transportation through sea routes. In present times however, there does not exist any monopoly by any one of the container shipping companies leading to a complete lack of friction and tension in the international cargo shipping community. All the same there are a few international shipping companies that lead the race in terms of the scale of operation of their shipping lines and all of them can be considered as the largest container shipping companies in the world.

Shipping is an extremely vital industry that most people are not aware of. Have you ever wondered how exotic fruits from Asia can end up still fresh and juicy in Europe or North America? The shipping industry plays a huge part in all these by helping us achieve the goals of globalization and making this world look like just one small town.

In the world there are a lot of container shipping companies, but how well you know about them. To know them, you must have to research. So to help you with that, Insidermonkey is sharing a list containing The 10 Largest Container Shipping Companies in the World, have a look whenever you have time. However, If this article hasn't completely sated your desire for knowledge regarding shipping companies and their operations, please take a look into our previous article on The Ocean’s 10 Biggest Shipping Companies instead.
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Highest Rated Movies of 2014

More than half of the movie in our 2014 edition are new from last year, and they pull from a variety of styles, romantic comedies, action flicks, indie dramas, blockbuster sci-fi, documentaries, animated films and more. And if you don’t know what kind of movie you’re in the mood for our list of Highest Rated Movies of 2014 on Insidermonkey might help you.

While there is no general agreement upon the greatest film of 2014, many publications and organizations have tried to determine the films considered the best. Each film listed here has been mentioned in a notable survey, whether a popular poll, or a poll among film reviewers. Many films are widely considered among the best of 2014, whether they appear at number one on each list or not.

Based on those IMDb ratings, reviews, and critics, Insidermonkey presenting the ten highest rated movies of 2014, as of June 7. However, we recommend you also check out our cover story on  The 20 Highest Rated Movies of All Time when you're done here, giving you scores of great movies to fill your screen in the days and weeks to come.
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Most Profitable Small Businesses

A small business is a privately owned partnership, sole proprietorship or a privately owned corporation. Which business can fall under the category “small” varies depending on the country where the business is run and according to the industry in which the business operates. In that manner, a small business can have from fifteen employees to fifty, and surprisingly in some countries, like for example in the United States, it can range even with fewer than 500 employees. Many of the most profitable small businesses are classified according to some other methods as well, such as sales, net profits, or assets.
Depending on the economic system in operation, the small businesses are very common in many countries. Examples of some small business include small shops, such as delicatessen or a bakery, or a convenience store;  also lawyers, restaurants, accountants, hairdressers, small-scale manufacturing, photographers, some online business, like web design and programming, and so on.
Big businesses are usually started at a very high cost and full time basis. Small businesses are suited to internet marketing, because in this way they can easily perform specialized niches. And this is all thanks to the internet revolution which started in the late nineties, since it would have been very difficult to run a successful small business prior to the rise of the internet. Some of the small business grow, some can get acquired, and some can stay the same but much more profitable than before. Small businesses are very important for every country and every individual.

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Interesting New World Order Conspiracy Theories

The New World Order, or NWO, is one of the most well-known conspiracies in modern history. And New World Order conspiracy theories are arguably some of the top conspiracy theories of modern times.

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive, powerful elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that makes the establishment of the New World Order the culmination of history's progress and an ideology. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.

If you would like to find out more about the New World Order and everything it supposedly stands for, we suggest you read our coverage of the Top 5 New World Order Facts.

Altogether the conspiracy theories tend to exert a profound influence upon the thinking and ultimately actions of the believers. Although they themselves don't constitute huge numbers, their attitudes towards government, minorities and organizations have a habit of filtering through the rest of society. But if you are interested in them, it is time you should visit Insidermonkey and know more about these conspiracy theories.
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Greatest Party Songs of All Time

You’re having a party, you say? Not sure what to cue up on your Phone? Don’t worry; Insidermonkey have you covered with the ten best party songs of all time.

Our criteria were simple: You hear the intro of the song, and you immediately go skidding toward the dance floor. Nothing less was acceptable. So of course, you’ll find tracks from big hitters like Michael Jackson, Madonna and Beyoncé. There are songs your mom likes, songs your cool younger brother likes and above all, songs you like: Party hits so potent, they get you singing along in the supermarket or air-punching when they come on your running mix at the gym. The best party songs of all time are absolutely required listening at any rocking party. As you already know, Rolling Stone is probably the most respected and famous magazine in the music industry, and they have come up with a list containing the 500 greatest songs in history. Using their list and other statistics, here we present you with the ten best party songs of all time.

However, if this list isn’t enough to whet your musical appetite, we recommend you take a look at our other cover story on the Most Popular Songs of All Time.
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Documentaries On Netflix You Must See

Sometimes, you don't want actors. You don't want manufactured dialogue. You don't want to be mindlessly entertained. You want something real to engage with, something to offer an argument for you to turn over. You want a documentary. And when you want to watch a documentary, our list of the best documentaries on Netflix will help you simplify your search for what to watch next.

Video-streaming service Netflix gives you a vast number of films, TV shows and documentaries to choose from – and that can be a problem. More often than not, you find yourself spending your entire evening shuffling through the selection trying to pick something to watch – before realizing that you no longer have time to actually watch a film. Never fear; we've rifled through the Netflix catalogue to bring you our top picks, from rom-coms to superhero movies to obscure documentaries. Let Stuff be your guide on your cinematic odyssey. And if you are not into documentaries and like movies that also teach you something, check out The 10 Best Business Movies of the Past 100Years.

One thing Netflix is quietly doing very well is streaming some of the best documentaries of the last few years. Nearly all of our favorite documentaries of 2013 are now available on the streaming service. But it’s not always easy finding the best of Netflix’s broad documentary selection. So there is a detailed article on Insidermonkey about the best documentaries on Netflix, which can be really helpful for you when you are looking for something to watch.
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Best Foods to Eat Before a Workout

What is the best thing to eat before exercising for energy and endurance? In case you are interested, take a look at our list of the top ten foods to eat before a workout.

When it comes to gearing up for workout, carbs are your gym BFF. The key is to have a mixed bag of complex and simple ones so that the release of energy during your workout is slow and steady throughout your routine. Whole-wheat toast with fruit gives you both types of carbs with the bonus of being super easy to digest. Complex carbs will keep your motor humming, while the fruit adds an extra kick of energy. For those training for a race, bananas are perfect in raising potassium levels, which drop when you sweat a lot. For an added bonus, add a dash of cinnamon. The spice has been linked to stabilizing blood sugar and improving brain function.

But, if this is not the case, and you are just interested in food itself, a real foodie, a gourmet, an explorer of the gastronomic world, you’ll surely enjoy our list of The Top 10 Foods to Eat before You Die.

Although you may be tempted to skip the calories, the food you eat before you exercise will fuel your workout and maximize your efforts and results. So if you are interested, there is an article on Insidermonkey with best foods you can eat before your workout.
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