Most Expensive Cities to Rent in the World

Rentals can vary hugely depending upon country, state, city or neighborhood. The national average rental price for a two-bedroom apartment in the United States tends to be around $1,000 per month, though in the world’s most expensive cities you might not even be able to rent a closet for that amount. In examining the most expensive cities to rent in the world, the price of housing is generally the largest factor impacting these expenses.

Various factors enter into a city's cost-of-living for expatriate employees, such as monetary value, consumer confidence, investment, interest rates, exchange rates of the country's currency, and housing costs. This list does not account for cost-of-living savings accrued to local citizens through government-subsidized housing, health care, and education, differences in taxation, and many other factors irrelevant to expatriates. Cost of living may be much higher for expatriates than for local residents in a developing country, especially if expatriates expect a standard of living similar to a developed country.

After all, living in a first world country can be great if you have the money to support the lifestyle and the opportunities that these cities offer. We have ranked nations, according to their consumer price index, but excluding accommodation expenses, such as mortgage and rent. Here some of the Top 15 Most Expensive Countries in the World – 2014, consider yourself lucky if you can afford to live in one of these.

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