Countries with Cheapest Medical Care

What are the countries with cheapest medical care? Cheapest, mind you, and not necessarily the best. The countries with the best health care are mostly in Europe, as universal health care first came to fore in Germany. While on the other hand, cheapest medical care can be received from the countries that offer the most affordable medical rates, aside from the most attentive staff. As a matter of fact, medical tourism has been booming all around the world, with some countries practically packaging itself as prime destinations for those in need of a doctor’s attention.

If you’re considering surgery and a vacation this year, you may want to combine the two. Medical tourism is booming, thanks to the massive savings that can be had if you’re willing to trust in foreign doctors. These are the benefits medical tourists are increasingly discovering, a result of the growing awareness that no one country has a monopoly on health care and that cheap doesn't necessarily mean poor quality. So, if you are not keen on traveling back and forth to get cheap medical care, you should permanently relocate to one of the 20 Countries with the Lowest Cost of Living in the World, and have affordable medical rates available on a daily basis.

The World Health Organization made a ranking of the countries on health care costs and facilities. Analyzing the countries that have surpassed others in these ranking highlights a puzzling reality: What places these other countries ahead of the other is not just their universal health care systems, but also their significantly lower health care costs and undeniably greater efficiency and equity. How’s that possible? Read the whole article on Insidermonkey and find out by yourselves.

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