Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy in the World

Want to live to a ripe old age? By far the most important factor in life expectancy is wealth; richer people tend to eat healthfully and smoke and drink less. They also have access to the best health care. And if you want to live that kind of life, you should know about the countries with the highest life expectancy.

Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country would live if mortality rates at each age were to remain constant in the future. A recent study by the United Nations shows that the United States still trails, many of the world's countries when it comes to life expectancy. Life expectancy at birth refers to the number of years a newborn would be expected to live if current patterns of mortality at the time of birth were to stay the same throughout their life. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures.

Now, if you are interested in knowing about the name of these countries, you should visit Insidermonkey and read the detailed article about the Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy. Moreover, if you want to know more about various countries and their conditions, our list containing The World’s 15 Healthiest Countries will enlighten you as well.

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