10 Easiest Farm Crops to Grow

New to gardening? Worried that planting your first edibles will turn out to be a fruitless labor? Fear not, novice gardener! While not totally foolproof, certain plants are ideal for gardening neophytes who want to increase their chances of gardening success. Here's a list of the 10 easiest farm crops to grow, regardless of skill level or age. This list was made by Insidermonkey experts.

Crunchy fresh leaves with a fantastic range of textures and flavors. Try sowing easy Salad throughout the summer months, and you’ll be cutting fresh leaves for your sandwiches just 3 weeks later. Bean plants thrive in warm, moist soil. Bush beans need no support. Pole beans do need to climb something, such as poles, strings, trellises, or tepees. Find a plot of soil (or a deep pot) that is free from rocks and deep enough to handle this root vegetable. Rocky soil can result in crooked carrots that, while perfectly edible are not the most aesthetically pleasing. You can also check our list of the most expensive specialty crops in the world.

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