10 Most Successful Innovative Companies in The World in 2016

When we set out to build this year’s list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies, we didn’t begin with macroeconomic parameters. Instead our reporting team dug into details on thousands of companies around the globe. Our axiom has always been that whatever challenges may be buffeting business—political uncertainty, market instability, international unrest—there are always pockets of extraordinary achievement. That is what we were looking to uncover. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 most successful innovative companies in the world in 2016.

Innovation is the currency of the fourth industrial revolution. Companies that can innovate faster and more effectively will be best positioned as technology dominates our lives to an ever greater extent. According to Forbes magazine, Tesla electric cars, SalesForce, the cloud-based database company, and bio-pharmaceutical company Regeneron are the three most innovative companies in the world.

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