11 Best Christian Documentaries on Netflix Streaming in 2015

You've seen the best horror films, comedies, romantic flicks and sometime just overall best movies, and even the best TV shows streaming on Netflix right now. But sometimes, you don't want actors, at least in the traditional sense. You don't want manufactured dialogue either. You don't want to be mindlessly entertained. You want something real to engage with, something to offer an argument for you to turn over. You may just want a documentary. And fellow Christians, there are many christian documentaries on Netflix just for people like you. Now, if you want to know about them, experts of Insidermonkey came with a list of 10 best Christian documentaries on Netflix streaming in 2015. If you love documentaries, you must not miss them!

People always in the mood for a good, uplifting documentaries, especially during summer. In the past, Christian documentaries producers received few accolades for their hard work as viewers often compared low ­budget documentaries to blockbuster movies from Hollywood. The times have changed, and although you can still find documentaries that are a little harder to take seriously, I think you will enjoy at least a few flicks from the list above. However, if Christian documentaries really aren’t your thing, maybe the 11 best basketball documentaries on Netflix probably have more secular appeal.

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