Altina Yatirim Yapmak Icin Dogru Zaman mi?

Altina yatirim yapmak icin dogru zaman mi diye soran cok okuyucumuz var. Bu soruya ben cevap vermeyecegim ama dunyanin en buyuk 10 hedge fonundan bir tanesini yoneten ve oldukca muhafazakar yatirim stiliyle taninan Seth Klarman'in bu konuda ne dediginden bahsedecegim. Daha once Bridgewater hedge fonu yoneticisi Ray Dalio'nun soylediklerinden bahsetmistim. Simdi linkini siz bulun, 4 Mart 2011 Cuma gunu idi.

Seth Klarman Amerika'da enflasyonun ciddi bir bicimde yukselme olasiliginin fazla oldugunu ve yatirimcilarin bu konularda neler yapacagini Seth Klarman Bullish About Gold, Concerned About Runaway Inflation baslikli yazimizda anlatiyor. Seth Klarman sunlari soyluyor:

Yet another long-term risk confronts investors: the government’s fiscal and monetary experiments may go awry, resulting in runaway inflation or currency collapse. Bottom-up value investors would not wish to bet the ranch on a macroeconomic view, but neither would they be wise to ignore the macroeconomy altogether. Disaster hedging – always an important tool for investors – takes on heightened significance in today’s unprecedentedly challenging environment. Yet, as this insight is not unique to us, the cost of insurance is high. There are no easy ways to navigate these turbulent waters. But because the greatest risks are of currency debasement and runaway inflation, protection against a currency collapse – such as exposure to gold – and against much higher interest rates seem like necessary hedges to maintain.”

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