10 Countries Accepting Indian Medical Degrees

Best countries for Indian doctors to migrate to depend on their preferences as well as how easily they can get working permit and visa for the target country. This means that you need to be ready to put a lot of effort into getting licensed to practice medicine in your target country. You are probably wondering how is that possible since doctors around the world have the same job - to help people. While this is certainly true, each country has different curricula and different standards which means that foreigners need to adjust.  And let's be realistic, there has to be a way to check the competence of foreign applicants since people's lives will be in their hands. Although doctors around the world have the same job, medical degrees vary significantly in different countries. In addition to that, language can be a barrier to finding your dream job elsewhere. However, sometimes competence in English can be the only requirement, although you are applying for a job in the country whose mother tongue is not English. Insider Monkey staff compiled a list of 10 countries accepting Indian medical degrees and ranked them according to median annual salary for general practitioners.  

Of course, salaries are often the most important factor when choosing where to migrate in search for better job offerings. However, a lot depends on your qualifications and your previous experience. General practitioners have lower salaries than specialists and consultants. On the other hand, if you want to advance in your career you will always have a choice to do so and your salary will increase accordingly. This part is usually not the problem, once you get all the documentation ready. One friendly advice is to broaden your horizons because there are many countries willing to employ those with Indian medical degrees. If you focus only on countries like the USA, UK, Australia etc. you might be disappointed because the competition is very high in these countries. Less "popular" countries can provide you equally good salaries and good living conditions as well, just open your mind. 

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