The Coursera is one of the most visited and respected MOOC in the world with more than 140 partners worldwide and over 2,000 available courses, which is why we wanted to find out which Coursera course welcomed the most attendees in 2016. Getting online classes comes with lots of benefits. First of all, you are not obligated to get up early and spend the whole day at some university, which can already be enough for the lazy and the ones who like spending as many hours in bed as they can. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 most popular Coursera courses in 2016.
Although there are many free MOOCs out there, you don’t want to waste your time on the ones that won’t get you certified after you are done with your lessons. This means that you will have to pay for your education just like you would if you had applied to some of the registered universities. If you already have to spend your money and have a spear time, why not use it for earning money for your course? This way is a win-win. You get the money and working habit, and at the same time, you earn your degree. You can also check our list of 10 Best Websites Like Coursera, Udacity and other MOOCs.
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