Have you ever wanted to be the CEO of a huge company? To be honest, most of us have such a dream. In our teens we dram about becoming a rock star or a sportsperson, but with age we realize that not all people are cut out to be those things. We begin to fantasize about the idea of becoming a CEO, that happens when we start working full time for an organization. The CEO or Chief Executive Officer is the head of an organization, apart form a healthy salary he/she also enjoys quite an impressive array of perks and benefits as well. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 11 Highest Paid CEOs In The World.
Who would not want to be in that position in life. In our list, we talk about the CEOs who are the subject of envy of other CEOs, let alone others. Since you are reading this far into the article, I think it is safe to assume that you are quite interested in learning about these people. You can find the full article at insider monkey’s blog page. If you feel interested after reading this article you can also check our new article of Top 10 Multinational Corporations in the US.
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