China’s fast-paced economy has helped create a number of massive consumer brands with growing market clout. Technology giants Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu—often referred to as the BAT companies—are typically ranked among the world’s most valuable based on metrics like brand value and share of worldwide digital ad revenues. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 most valuable brands in china.
The report, which measured brand value using a forecast of each company’s future earnings and growth potential, placed Tencent at No. 1 thanks to a 2017 brand value of $106.18 billion. Alibaba came in second in terms of brand value ($58.01 billion), while Baidu had the fifth highest brand value at $23.89 billion. Many of the brands in Kantar Millward Brown’s list came from the telecom, banking, retail or technology sectors. You can also check our list of 11 Most Expensive Clothing Brands for Men.
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