11 Most Affordable Fashion Design Schools in the US

How much does it cost to go to school for a Fashion/Apparel Design major and what are the most affordable colleges? The average annual out-of-state cost for a bachelor program in Fashion/Apparel Design is $38,314 with an estimated average four year degree total cost of $153,256. The most affordable bachelor program is offered by Brigham Young University Provo at an annual $13,280 out of state total cost. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 11 most affordable fashion design schools in the US.

There are dozens of affordable fashion schools out there, so keep in mind that the buck doesn’t stop here. But we think that the 15 schools on our list is a darn good start. Please take a look at some of America’s most affordable fashion schools—in no particular order. If you feel interested you can also read out our previous article about 5 most elite fashion schools in the world.

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