15 Most Suicidal Cities in India

When someone loses faith and hope in almost everything and there’s no alternative way or option left, suicide might seems like the only way out of that situation which is totally not recommended. We should always take care of God’s greatest blessing that is life. And to prevent this, we should know the causes first. And that's why you should check out the 15 most suicidal cities in India. There has to be something common in those cities.

About 800000 people commit suicide worldwide every year, of these 135,000 are residents of India,a nation with almost 20 percents of world population. There is a variety of issues that exacerbate this problem. Despite being the largest democracy in the world with one of the largest economies in the world as well, India is consistently plagued by problems which are faced by underdeveloped or developing nations. Such problems include poverty, unemployment, lack of resources and a lack of opportunities as well. By the way, previously we covered 6 reasons why people kill each other in India, for you if you want to research further.

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