The Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants in America

Fast food is about as American as apple pie. Seriously, recent Pew Research Center data showed that 50 million Americans are served fast food every day. And since we spend a damn good chunk of our time here at Thrillist writing about and tasting fast food, we began to wonder most popular fast food restaurants in America, and which leave much to be desired when looking for quick eats. If you are curious about them, you can read all about it on the Insidermonkey!

To find out, experts of Insidermonkey ranked these fast food restaurant, concentrating on a variety of factors, including:

1) the big chains that began there
2) the regional ones that also originated there
3) the cool, little chains just in that state
4) the variety of choices and presence of enviable franchises
5) the deliciousness and uniqueness of their options in general

There are a few surprises on the Consumer Reports’ list this year of the best fast food restaurants in America – and a few names that are not that well known nationally.

The bottom line is that whether we’re aiming to eat pizza, burgers, chicken or grilled sandwiches, Americans want a lot more than just food on the cheap when we eat out. We care about the quality and freshness of our food; we care about the quality of the service we receive. These priorities when choosing a destination for grabbing a quick bite emerged in Consumer Reports’ most recent ranking of our nation’s fast food restaurants. Furthermore, while many of the quick bite options in the US account for the 10 Biggest Fast Food Chains in the World, which we covered in an earlier article also on the Insidermonkey.

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