Jim Cramer Mad Money Recap

Jim Cramer Mad Money isimli programinin basinda o gun borsada yasanan gelismeleri yorumluyor. Borsa niye dustu, dusmeye devam eder mi, onumuzdeki aylarda ne yapar, simdi borsaya girmek icin uygun zaman mi gibi sorularin yanitlarini veriyor. Burada linkini verdigim bir cok hedge fon yoneticisi bir cogunuzun isine yaramiyordur ama Jim Cramer'in piyasalardaki gelismelerle ilgili yorumlari isinizi gorebilir. O yuzden bu yazilari okumanizi tavsiye ederim. Amerikan piyasalarinin genel gidisati ile ilgili fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz.

Jim Cramer'in en son yaptigi programinda yaptigi yorumlara ise Jim Cramer's Mad Money Recap baslikli yazimizdan ulasabilirsiniz. Bu yazilara buradan sikca link vermeye devam edecegiz. Yazidan bir paragrafi asagiya aktariyorum:

Debt ceiling deal? Especially after we had already been down seven straight days and now an eighth. Well, I’ve got the answer — Well, actually I’ve got the answers.  First — hey look, the market, it hated the deal. What are we going to do? It hated the deal. The market it has feelings and, its feelings were hurt by the deal. Now, it didn’t hate it as much as it would have hated no deal. Because, that would have been completely catastrophic. We’ve been saying that for months. But still, everybody was disappointed. Those who wanted big spending cuts to chisel at the gigantic budget deficit and those who wanted tax increases on the rich to help close the gap.  They were both bummed.

Sound Effect: Buzzer. Boo!

However, once again I was actually cheered that we didn’t get more spending cuts. As the stocks that rely on some Government spending were hurt bad and are now in bare market mode.  These could have been obliterated if the cuts were even deeper. Hey, cold turkey time. I think we could have used some tax increases to close the budget gap. But anything too extreme there would have thrown us back in a recession for sure. Because, then the consumer would be clobbered.

oh, and if we’d actually reached some deal that would have pleased the rating agencies for sure, the ones we’re so worried about, the ones we’re just quaking about.  Then I’m confident that the market would have reacted as if the whole economy had the rug pulled out from underneath it, and we would have surely collapsed anyway!

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