David Einhorn Borsada Hangi Hisseleri Aliyor?

David Einhorn kimdir sorusuna daha once burada cevap vermistik. David Einhorn bugunlerde borsada hangi hisseleri aliyor diye merak ediyorsaniz David Einhorn's New Stock Picks baslikli yazimizi okuyunuz.

David Einhorn grew up in Milwaukee and graduated from Cornell. He learned the hedge fund business from Gary Siegler and Peter Collery, who managed the SC Fundamental Value Fund. David Einhorn is one of the most successful long/short equity hedge fund managers of the past decade. David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital returned 15.9% in 2010, and 21.5% since its inception in 1996. Greenlight Capital’s market beta is around 0.5, meaning if they didn’t have any stock picking skill, they would have returned about half of the market’s return.

David Einhorn initiated positions in four stocks in the second quarter.

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