Zengin Hedge Fon Yöneticileri Öğlen Yemeğinde Ne Yer?

Bugün Dominique Strauss-Kahn’ ın favori restoranının deniz ürünleri zinciri Mccormick & Schmick’s olduğunu yazmıştık. Bunu ise bir New York Times Makalesinden çıkartmıştık. Başka bir New York Times Makalesi ise

“Over tuna and turkey sandwiches, the advisers explained that New York’s Democratic governor was determined to legalize same-sex marriage and would deliver every possible Senate vote from his own party.

Would the donors win over the deciding Senate Republicans? It sounded improbable: top Republican moneymen helping a Democratic rival with one of his biggest legislative goals.

But the donors in the room — the billionaire Paul Singer, whose son is gay, joined by the hedge fund managers Cliff Asness and Daniel Loeb — had the influence and the money to insulate nervous senators from conservative backlash if they supported the marriage measure. And they were inclined to see the issue as one of personal freedom, consistent with their more libertarian views.”

Hedge fon yöneticileri gerçekten öğlen yemeğinden ton balığı- hindi sandviçi mi yiyor? Bu sorunun yanıtını What Do Wealthy Hedge Fund Managers (Dan Loeb, Paul Singer, and Cliff Asness) Eat for Lunch? başlıklı yazımızda bulabilirsiniz.

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