Jim Rogers'dan Emtia Piyasalari Yorumlari

Amerikalilara finans konularinda haber yazacaksaniz Jim Rogers'tan muhahkkak bahsetmeniz lazim. Jim Rogers 1970'li yillarda George Soros'la ortak olarak hedge fon yonetmeye baslamis efsanevi yatirimcilardan bir tanesidir. Simdilerde de Singapur'da yasamakta ve hem Cin hem de emtia piyasalari hakkinda cok pozitif dusunmekte.

Biz de Roger'in en son verdigi mulakatlardan bir tanesinde soyledilerini yaziya tasidik. Okuyuculardan da cok ilgi gorduk. Birazdan istatistikleri verecegim ama Jim Rogers uzerine Seeking Alpha'da yayinladigimiz benzer bir yazi bir gunde 40000 kisinin ilgisini cekti. Jim Rogers'in ne dedigini Jim Rogers: Commodities Will Increase Regardless Of How Economy Performs baslikli yazimizdan okuyabilirsiniz. Asagiya iki satir ilistireyim:

In bull markets things go to prices which nobody can conceive of. I’m the bull, and I’m telling you, at one point I’m going to sellout and then they’re going double again. In the bull market in stocks, who would’ve thought that CISCO would have gone up a hundred times. It did. That’s what happens at the end of a bull market and that’s what’s going to happen at the end of the bull market in commodities. It’s still several years away.”

“Gold will go to $2000 in this decade. It’s pretty simple as far as I’m concerned.”

“Silver will certainly go over $50. The old high on silver was $50. Silver will go to new highs again. All these prices are going to go to absurd levels by the end of the decade, by the end of the bull market.”

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