Dunyanin En Buyuk Hedge Fonu Hangisidir?

Bu yazimizda dunyanin en buyuk hedge fonu hangisidir sorusuna cevap vermeyecegiz ama en buyuk 14. hedge fonu olan Farallon Capital'in son ceyrekte hangi sirketlere yatirim yaptigini, ne tur getiriler elde ettigini soyleyen yaziya link verecegiz. Yazi asagida:

Tom Steyer’s Farallon Capital Management is the world’s 14th largest hedge fund, managing around $21 Billion. They had a rough 2008 and had to deal with a lot of redemptions.  Farallon Capital invests in various asset classes. US equities are a small percentage of their investments. At the end of December, their equity investments were $3.3 Billion, less than 15% of their AUM.

Devami icin tiklayin: Farallon Capital’s New Stock Picks and Holdings

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