21 Countries with the Purest Tap Water in the World

Clean water is always an important topic and probably the most important of the environmental issues. Each day our planet is getting more and more polluted, and there are less areas that are untouched by human activities and unpolluted. Pollution in general reflects the most on water, and natural water purity is directly connected to our home taps, of course. Some countries care more than others about the environment, and therefore have better quality of drinking tap water. But, sometimes things do not go that way. Let’s take the example of Chile:

According to some scientific researches, Chile has one of the purest natural water in the world. Scientists doing the research have been using instruments which can detect bad chemical compounds that are two parts per million, and they literally found nothing in Chilean waters of Puerto Williams. But, South American countries are far from having the cleanest drinking water in the world. Actually, drinking tap water in South America isn’t recommended at all.

So, the issue is not always easy to resolve. It seems that more is needed than simply clean natural resources. Many countries nowadays have a great problem with the drinking water. But sometime it seems that even drinking tap water is better and cleaner than bottled water, which is something many people aren’t aware of. But that is probably also the problem of the poor knowledge on drinking tap water people have. On the other side, advertising is obviously so good that consumers are sure that bottled water they are buying is the best option. Anyhow, there are some countries in the world where tap water is way cleaner than in others. If you are interested in this important issue, make sure to check out the 21 Countries with the Purest Tap Water in the World article recently published on Insider Monkey.

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