18 Worst Countries Violating Human Rights in 2017

According to Global Conflict Tracker there are 28 conflicts currently in the world. In Europe there is a problem with Islamic militancy in Russia and reopening of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Then constant battle in Ukraine seems endless. Moreover, the whole Europe is under tension because of the refugee crisis which further provoked rise of populism and far right parties.

If we look at Asia and Pacific area, there is North Korea crisis under the leadership of Kim Jong Un which further influence the tensions in the region, mostly with South Korea, and additionally with the USA. Moreover, there are constant tensions in the East and West China sea with Japan and Philippines. Then there is a sectarian violence in Myanmar is a cause of tensions between Buddhists and Muslims in this country. Out of all this conflicts we can’t help not to think about the violations of human rights. Therefore, for additional reading and more information check out 18 Worst Countries Violating Human Rights in 2017. You can find out of those 28 countries that are currently in conflict ranked according to the violations of human rights for this year.

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