13 Free And Cheap Swimming Classes in NYC For Adults

The swimming fear is real, and there are millions, heck, billions of people in the world that cannot swim. According to My Swim Pro, about 4 billion people on a global scale cannot swim, and even though some people see this as physical activity, I see it as a life skill. Annually, there are about 360,000 drowning deaths worldwide, the World Health Organization reported. Many people fear not only that they will drown, but they have a fear of getting in the water in the first place and this is a serious problem. There are tips that swimming instructors use to help their students relax and to show them how comfortable they can be around water. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 13 free and cheap swimming classes in NYC for adults.

We have picked one lesson from their list. The class level in the Ladies Leisure Swim class is for beginners where Diana Guardiola and Janira Calderon are teaching about 15 students in one class. Everyone who is willing to free themselves from their anxiety about water, basic strokes, and water safety is free to sign up for this class. Keep in mind that the price of $296 is for eight sessions and that makes it a cheap swimming class if you divide the full price with the number of sessions. Bring a one piece swimsuit, a swim cap, towel, goggles and gym lock, and you are ready to start your swimming lessons. You can also check our list of 9 Free Training Programs in NYC For Adults as well.

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