Although most credit cards are easy to get, the FICO score is a very important parameter for determining users’ eligibility. Good credit score will allow you to apply for the cards with unlimited funds, affordable APR, attractive rewards and high cashback rates. On the other hand, if you have a bad credit, the number of credit card possibilities will drastically shrink. Getting your first credit is not easy. Nobody wants to give you a loan if you don’t have a proven track record of using and returning borrowed funds. Still, having no credit and being ‘credit invisible’ is better than having a negative credit score. Insidermonkey experts made a list of easiest credit cards to get with no credit.
Taking your first credit card or a loan is a big responsibility, and you shouldn’t apply for it if you aren’t ready to pay your bills on time. If you have decided to start building your credit score with an easy-to-get credit card, there are several things you should have in mind. Make sure that you have a job with an income that will allow you to make regular credit payments. If you want to make this process easier, try to find a co-signer. This way you will use other people’s good credit to get your first card. If you would rather focus on debit cards, check out the list of the Easiest Prepaid Debit Cards to Get for Teens.
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