7 Most Racist Countries in Latin America

No matter how much we try to spread the equality, we still make judgments on people based on their financial situation, level of education, gender, and the color of their skin. No matter how open-minded we say we are and how socially developed countries we live in are, it seems that this problem won’t disappear anytime soon. Society teaches us from the earliest age that nobody is equal. But, instead of teaching us that each person is individual and all of us have our flaws and fears, it teaches all generations that the whole world is compiled from the certain groups and each of these groups have its own characteristics, which should make us admire them, fear of them, love them, hate them, or undermine them. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 7 most racist countries in Latin America.

It isn’t easy to speak about racism. Despite no-liberalization and globalization, race remains an important marker of a person’s identity, and a cause of contention. Racism has been among us for centuries. At the beginning, white-skinned people considered themselves the only noble race and that all others are meant just to serve them. This wouldn’t be such a big issue if they didn’t use other people as slaves. While some of them were lucky enough to be used for working in kitchens, being nannies, or teachers, some of them faced the cruel destinies of being treated like the dogs for hunts, pillows to fight for their masters, forced to a labor, used as prostitutes, being beaten up each day, or being sold like meat. You can also check our list of 13 Least Racist Countries in the World.

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