You would think that racism is a thing of the past, when finding someone of a different skin color was a unique and rare experience, in a time when being different from someone else was enough of a reason for discrimination, but unfortunately it is present even today. Consider the world we live in now. There are no restrictions on travel, anyone can go anywhere and most countries now have people of a variety of skin colors, races and nationalities living together. In such a world, it would almost seem absurd to think that anyone could be racist, but unfortunately, our planet is not perfect and such issues are currently major problems. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 25 least racist countries in the world.
The least racist countries in the world are setting a good example for the world to follow. Racism is one of the curses of the society that is still prevalent in some parts of the world even when we have achieved great heights in every field of modernism. Some countries are still crippled under its grasp even though the awareness of the importance of anti-racist laws is gaining momentum every day. However, some countries have been proactive in recognizing its evils and working towards the achievement of a more harmonized and diversified society. Surprisingly, one of the most progressive continents in the world, Europe, has its fair share of racists, as evidenced in the 11 Most Racist Countries in Europe.
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