25 Best Bars to Go to Alone in NYC

Many times people assume that a person who goes out for food or drinks alone is a little on the weird side and has no friends because they do these typically “social” things by themselves. However, many people just enjoy the quiet that comes with going out alone. As for me I like going somewhere alone. I like to watch people and the world itself. It can be very interesting. On the other hand there were times when i worked with lots people and I had to hold lectures, so I spoke a lot. When I finished work – I was happy not to speak anyone. I just planned to visit my favorite place to go and enjoyed myself. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 25 best bars to go to alone in NYC.

We have picked one bar from their list for now. Employees Only is the first bar we mention. If you ever find yourself alone in the Big Apple, don’t worry because you have a great adventure ahead of you. You can head out to one of New York City’s best bars located in the heart of West Village and just enjoy your own company. But, despite enjoying your own company, we recommend you to try one of their delicious cocktails, the delicious food that is served in astonishing space without pretense. You can feel the positive vibe of the place as soon as you walk in. This is a great place for singles who want to enjoy. You can also check our list of 20 Best Places to Meet Singles in NYC.

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