What is an investment club? Well, it’s basically a bunch of people who pool their money and use it to invest in stuff. To this end, they hold periodic meetings, where they discuss previously analyzed investment possibilities and make informed, democratic decisions that they believe will profit all. It’s quite an easy endeavor in comparison to other options, and pretty cheap to form, operate and maintain. It is also a great way to make contacts, meeting people who share your interests, and learn a little something about the investment world without taking on risks too high. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 15 clever, funny investment club name ideas.
In this article, our writer Tim proposes three ideas to name your enterprise: #1 – Naming the fund after yourself. #2 – Places/things of personal import. #3 – Impressive or stately-sounding names. As he properly states, the first one is the most unoriginal of all –that is unless your name’s a hilarious damn hoot. The second says a little bit about yourself without being plainly dull and narcissistic. The third one aims to inspire confidence in third parties by sounding encouragingly stable. If feel interested, you can also check our list of 43 Good Names For Investment Companies: Use Our Generator.
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