10 Successful Joint Ventures Examples (International and Domestic)

On reading this article you will find out what exactly a joint venture is, and what are its advantages and disadvantages. Also, the article offers an answer to the question what is most important when deciding to set up a joint venture.
As for the examples chosen, the companies who entered this kind of alliance are mostly from different economy fields and different geographical areas. Some of them have been so successful that they are internationally recognized and hardly anyone remembers it's actually "only" a very successful venture.
When we talk about ventures in general, there are several options how they can end. They are either time-limited, or one of the companies decides to buy off the other one's share, or its own, depending on one's best interests.
If you are thinking about creating a JV yourself, or you would like to find out more about this type of cooperation, read Insider Monkey's article on 10 successful joint venture examples (international and domestic).

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