To determine a shop’s success within 2017, we scoured Etsy to find shops that said “On Etsy since 2017.” All shops have a start year like this right below their shop name. Then we took a look at the number of favorites each Etsy shop that started in 2017 had. This number can be found in a square box with a heart, right under the start year. It means that Etsy users have marked this as a favorite shop to follow. These are the brands you need to remember, because they’ll probably become wildly popular very soon. Their sellers obviously know what they’re doing when it comes to marketing their business. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 Etsy success stories in 2017.
We have no way of knowing what month these shops were opened in, but at the most they’ve had only 5 months to be noticed. Given the amount of “favorites” the shops listed at the end of this article have, they’ve worked pretty hard. You would think they’ve been at this for years. Of course there’s a chance some of them just got lucky, or happened to be selling something that happened to be popular this year. But this list will give you a better indication of what’s trendy in 2017. Some of the items might surprise you, like magnetic facial portraits- who even decided those would be a hit? For more interesting Etsy success stories, check out 10 most popular Etsy shops in 2017.
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