From general life advice, through great recipes to fashion and travel tips, these lifestyle blogs cover just about everything. They’re written by young women who know what they’re talking about, and do it in an intriguing way. You’re sure to find their lives interesting, and their writing capital. To rate these lifestyle blogs, we used a scoring system with six variables and twelve points possible, and rated nearly thirty blogs around the internet that mostly target this age group. A high score in readability means posts that flow and make their audience want to continue reading until the end. It also means low ads since no one likes to be bombarded with ads as soon as they enter a site. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 best lifestyle blogs for 20 somethings.
A high score in readability means posts that flow and make their audience want to continue reading until the end. It also means low ads since no one likes to be bombarded with ads as soon as they enter a site. Lastly, it means fast loading. The best blogs feature quick and easy-to-read articles with clear, simple font to grab the reader. Frequency of posts is also an important part of a good blog, and readers aren’t patient. They want frequent content, that stays fresh and never gets stale. To determine this, we gave blogs whose latest post were less than a week old two points. Blogs whose latest post was one to two weeks old got one point, and blogs whose latest post was older than two weeks got zero points. You can also check our list of 11 most successful blogs in the world.
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