That is a great website that provides all the information about each residency program in the country and also has about 52,000 physicians who participated in surveys in order to rank each residency program individually and help website owners to establish the lists from best to worse residency programs in each field. To create our own unique list of best residency programs for neurologists and neurosurgeons, we picked a bit into their lists and on top of both of them is the University of California, San Francisco. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 best neurology residency programs in America.
If you are not that big of a San Francisco fan, we are glad to inform you that this isn’t the only residency program that we found to be among the top 10 in the country. Unfortunately, the lists are similar, but not completely the same. So, if you have already chosen whether you are going to be neurologist or neurosurgeon, we have both of lists waiting for you. Fortunately for you, if you are still struggling to make this decision, some residency programs can be found on the lists. You can also check our list of 10 best neurosurgery residency programs in America.
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