Many video games have been out grossing Hollywood blockbusters recently. Take "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim," for example. That video game is to gamer as "Batman and Robin" is to movie fans. Both were highly anticipated sequels that spent a very long time in production. Yet the Joel Schumpeter-directed film only grossed $107 million total, while the Bethesda Studio's video game hit an all-time high. Within the first week of its debut, it was reported that "Skyrim" grossed a whopping $450 million! Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 most profitable video games of all time.
With video games breaking into the mainstream, it's become clear that they are as, if not more, profitable than Hollywood blockbusters. More importantly, video games are more convenient and accessible as they can be played on multiple processors, are cheaper in the long run, and can be customized according to the viewer's taste. So with Skyrim's success in mind, here are the highest-grossing video games, according to Digital Battle. You can also check our list of 12 highest grossing video games of all time.
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