Are you worried about the future of your Children? Do not answer that, that was a rhetorical question. I know full well that children our children are the most precious to us, and as parents, we do our very best to give them everything we possibly can. Now, if your child is having difficultly in learning in a regular school, then you might want to consider sending him/her to a good boarding school. Insidermonkey experts made a list of best boarding schools in New York for elementary school.
I have never been to a boarding school, but the general consensus regarding boarding schools is that troubled children do well in boarding schools. They learn how to work as a group from an early age, and they also learn to become self sufficient early on in life. Which is a virtue in on itself. If you are considering sending your children to a boarding school, then you should think it through very carefully. You can also check our list of best boarding schools in New York.
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