15 Best Serial Killer Documentaries on Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Netflix

The television used to be the final word in personal entertainment, however those days are long gone. Since the advent of the internet, personal entertainment evolved entirely. There are so many smart devices around us that even if we are watching our TV, we are likely to tune into one of the streaming media sites. Now when it comes subscription based streaming media websites, we basically have three Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix. Insidermonkey experts made the list of 15 best serial killer documentaries on Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Netflix.

Now that said, if you are subscribed to any one of the three names that I mentioned, then our today’s article is going to definitely interest you. As you can see from the title, today we will be talking about documentaries that are available on these three websites. We will not be talking about just any documentary however, we will be talking about documentaries that deal with serial killers. The subject is pretty damn dark, so be advised about it. You can also check our list of 11 Best Serial Killer Documentaries on Netflix.

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