Now, politics is a rather sensitive subject, but it is something that affects us all. Specially the politics happening within countries where we live. Also, politics in countries that are leading the world can affect us as well. Take the United States for example. I think you live in the United States, so the US political environment will definitely affect you directly. That is something pretty much everyone of us must to, because of life. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 11 best political documentaries on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and YouTube.
However, someone living in a country where trade with the United States is a major source of income can be affected as well. Given the current political situation in the United States, someone in China can easily be affected by the decisions made by US political leaders. Now that said, catching up with all the political news and happenings is not very easy to do if you have to manage a busy schedule. We strongly recommend you to check out our list of the 35 Best Documentaries on Amazon Prime, which cover other important subjects.
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