10 Recent Most Interesting Man in the World Quotes

Here, you will find the burns and the sarcasm that you see in the memes everywhere. It is a popular campaign which started off in the year 2006. Jonathan Goldsmith, an American actor, got his first chance with Dos Equis, a Heineken-owned Mexican beer brand. It’s been around since 1857. He probably had no idea that his lead would become so popular and such an integral part of the internet! Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 recent most interesting man in the world quotes.

Some of you may remember the television commercial where Goldsmith was surrounded by beautiful Mexican women and Latino music was playing. You might also remember the phrase, “I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.” After Goldsmith stepped out in 2016, Dos Equis chose Augustin Legrand, a French actor, who they thought would be a more interesting choice. You can also check our list of 21 Most Interesting Man in the World Facts.

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