10 Most Evil Elected Presidents Who Killed the Most People

Are you excited about having a baby? Do you look at the ultrasound pictures every chance you have and imagine spoiling your baby as soon as it gets born? Have you already considered names? Some people say that nothing should be bought and brought into house anything linked to the baby in order to avoid the jinx. But it is never early to start picking names. You need to be very careful when it comes to your baby’s name because it will determine his or her whole life. Insidermonkey experts made a list of the most evil, scariest names for male and female babies.

Since I was born after 1943, I would die if my partner or anyone else from our surroundings suggested the name Adolf for my baby boy. No! Never! In hundred years, NO! Also, I always want to avoid names that are connected with some dead people. My grandparents, who I grew up with, died in a crash accident.  After my son was born, everyone jumped on me claiming that the only right to do was to give him my grandfather’s name. You can also check our list of 10 Most Evil Elected Presidents Who Killed the Most People.

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