10 Best Film Schools In Europe

I was on a film set last weekend. It was for a short film on which someone I know is helping out. It transported me right back to my days in film school. Before that I hadn’t heard someone scream “speed” unless we were playing Keanu Jeopardy, a weird version of Jeopardy invented to help people drink alcohol and/or a game I just made up right now–spoiler alert every answer is “Speed.“ Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 best film schools in Europe.

Get as much experience behind the camera and on sets as you can, before you make the investment–especially if you are thinking about incurring the adding costs of going to school abroad. However, somebody has to be the next Fellini, Varda, Truffant, Hawkes, Nair, and Scorcese, and it could be you! This is very important in today’s films and if you want to learn how to make it you probably want to go in one of these 10 best film schools in Europe. You should also check out the 7 Best Film Schools In Canada.

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