Are you into spy thrillers? I think it is safe to assume that you have seen your fair share of spy thrillers, and you have quite a few names pop up in your head when you think of the best spies in movies. As a genre I do not like spy thrillers, I am more into drama and comedy but I sure enjoy the occasional rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as the super spy takes on an army by him/her self in order to save the world. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 best spies in movies.
The criteria we used to find out the best spies in movies is really interesting, but as you know in this short intro I can merely tease you with information. I do not want to spoil the fun for you, I am sure you will enjoy reading through the full article many folds rather than listening to me. Our researchers have gone through heaps of data in order to find out best movie spies, and they have done a great job of it. You can also check our list of 7 of the Greatest Spies Who Ever Lived: List of Famous Spies of All Time.
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