There are different schools of thought on whether teenagers should have part-time jobs, but I find that the pros easily outweigh any cons. A teenager who works long hours every day after school could see his or her schoolwork suffer, but a less-intensive part-time job can be a wonderful learning experience. If kids can get to school on time, maintain solid grades, and participate in school activities, part-time jobs in high school can be beneficial to their success. Insidermonkey experts made a list on 16 part-time jobs in NYC for high school students.
Finding and keeping a part-time job while attending high school can be a daunting task. Balancing work with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and just hanging out with friends can be tough, but millions of teens are able to manage part-time work along with their other responsibilities. These jobs taught you how to manage money, how to handle responsibility, and how to deal with the general public. They were invaluable experiences and provided you with some much-needed autonomy and spending money, too. You can also check our list of the 7 Highest-Paying Jobs for Teens.
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