Nicotine free cigarettes are not the same thing as electronic cigarettes (also called e-cigarettes). There is a type of nicotine free cigarette that is a plastic cylinder shaped like a cigarette and contains herbal aroma oil; these are popular in Europe. Nicotine free cigarettes contain herbs instead of tobacco and are sometimes called herbal cigarettes. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 5 reasons why nicotine free cigarettes are harmful.
Nicotine free cigarettes are not safer than traditional cigarettes. Any kind of cigarette you can smoke, whether it’s made from tobacco or other herbs, still contains tar and carbon monoxide. These chemical components in smoking that lead to lung problems and cancers including lung, esophageal and mouth cancers. Some herbal cigarettes, like imported bides flavored like cherry or vanilla, must be puffed more often so that they will stay lit, which ultimately brings more smoke into the lungs where damage can occur. You can also read our article of 5 reasons why herbal cigarettes aren’t safe to smoke.
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