Most of the teachers we know have to work a secondary part-time job. Some work this job in the summer, along with taking classes and getting professional development. Some also work during the year. After school. Nights. Weekends. Other great teachers leave the classroom to go into administration just because they need the money. And many teachers we know have left the profession altogether. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 11 good paying part-time jobs for teachers.
Still, teachers in all stages of their career and life, have to work to get extra money. It is the reality of our current economic situation. And we should not be afraid to talk about this reality. You need to set the right price for your services, create your own program, and provide your own resources. In doing so you will make more money, deal with less headaches, and have a sustainable income and demand for your tutoring. You can also read our article on best summer jobs for teachers.
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