When most people think of calling it quits on a career, they immediately think of a move to Florida. But not everyone wants to spend their golden years in Florida; some of us want to stay close to friends and family and within the great state of Washington. But where exactly in Washington? To that end, we have tried to identify the places in Washington that are safe, affordable, and have plenty of things to keep you busy well into retirement. Insidermonkey experts made a list of 10 best places to retire in Washington.
Why did Pacific take the top spot? And where are Seattle and Spokane? To create our list of the best places in Washington to retire, we first used Census data to find all places in the Evergreen State with a population of at least 5,000 that aren’t townships. This left us with 114 places from across the state. For these 114, we looked at the following criteria taken from the Census, the FBI’s Crime Report, National Weather Service, and Open Flights. You can also check out these 10 best places to retire in Vermont.
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