11 Best Places to Retire in Canada

Hockey is what comes to mind when most people think about Canada, not retirement.  But, there are countless beautiful places to retire in Canada, and all of them bring with them many different and unique benefits.  Here are the 11 best places to retire in Canada listed by Insidermonkey experts. Those retirees who are looking for a taste of the cold Canada has to offer, but who like the sun, look no further than Moncton, New Brunswick.  While it does have cold winters, the sun shines all year long. Moncton has more to offer than sunshine though; it is perfect for retirees who have grandchildren. Moncton is home to Magic Mountain Water Park, a fantastic outdoor water park perfect for kids of all ages.

It might not be as sunny as Florida, for instance, but Canada has its advantages and plenty of them at that. English is the official language here (together with French), and cultural differences are more or less insignificant for American retirees. Moreover, Canadian healthcare system coupled with financial incentives is unmatched by any of America’s 50 states and wider. You can also check these 10 cheapest countries to live like a king.

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