7 Countries That Produce the Most Engineers In the World

Which country produces the largest number of engineering graduates per year? The United States? No. Japan? No. These two countries might be the obvious choices but it looks like neither one of them made the top of the list. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the country that produces the highest number of engineering graduates per year is Russia, followed by the United States and Iran. According to their report, Russia produces almost half a million engineering graduates every year and both the United States and Iran producing slightly over a quarter of a million engineering graduates each year. Let's see what Insidermonkey experts say which 7 countries that produce the most engineers in the world.

Where is China and India if you ask? Surely the two most populated countries in the world have to be there somewhere. Well it seems like nothing has been said about them because no data was available from these two countries. Lets see if they exist  in our list of 7 countries that produce the best doctors in the world.

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