How can we determine which among the world’s national governments can be classified as among “the worst”? While there will never be much of a clear-cut answer to such a complex question, data found in the 2015 may help us out. The Index consists of numerous sub-indexes, one of which is called "Governance", to determine quality of life and economic performance in a country. The “Governance” sub-index therein measured the countries' performance in three crucial areas: effective and accountable government, fair elections and political participation, and rule of law. Using variables such as governmental stability and approval, separation of powers, and political rights, then weighs each of these coefficients into an overall "Governance Score" for each country. The list of 11 worst governed countries in the world listed by Insidermonkey experts will be analyzed to present the most important trends globally, and point out some of the most intriguing cases of countries and their governments.
While all of the countries on the list are unique, they share many common problems. In many, certain groups are too strong, and partisanship, government corruption, police brutality, and elitism run amuck. In others, the government is too weak to act as needed to further their respective countries. Indeed, until these countries’ leaders are able to effectively work in the best interests of the constituent populaces they represent, these nations will continue to struggle. If you want, you can also take a look and see which are the 11 worst countries that are responsible for global warming.
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