11 Worst Countries for Gender Equality

Not one country in the world has successfully eliminated its gender gap, according to a recent report from the World Economic Forum (WEF). But while the scope of gender inequality has narrowed in some countries, in other countries women continue to severely trail men in economic participation, educational attainment, political empowerment, and even basic health outcomes. The WEF's Global Gender Gap Report measured disparities between men and women in 142 countries. In the worst-scoring nations, economic and educational opportunities, as well as political representation and health outcomes, were far worse for women than for men. The experts of Insidermonkey make a list of 11 Worst Countries for Gender Equality.

No country in the world has achieved total gender equality — yet. Though some places are getting close, others are so far from the finish line that it’s not even in sight. Around the world, women are not given the same educational and occupational opportunities. They are denied a say in how they are governed, prohibited from fully participating in society, and fear gender-based violence. Women experience discrimination on the basis of one chromosome, an arbitrary biological determination. Pakistan is one of the worst Asian countries for human rights violation.

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